During the destructive ritual of Vadulus, the world changed. Indeed, the world broke asunder, the Diamond Apex shattering in an explosion of darkness and Shyishian magic, boiling and writhing in an ecstasy of magical release that reshaped the Interstice forever.
Magic boiled and frothed, and the Realm quivered as shattered shards floated untethered to reality itself. Tiny portals winked in-and-out of existence across the land, flickering unsteadily like the glimmering of weak stars in a dust storm.
In the liminal spaces between the Sulcus of Valdus and the Penumbral Lowlands, in the root of the Xiphoid Peninsula where the remaining luminosity fades into the swirling darkness of death and gutters under the onslaught of Twilight, a more permanent fixture could be found by those adventurous enough to traverse the area.
This fixture, of mysterious provenance, could be recognized by the educated and suspicious as the symbol of a lost, perhaps nigh-forgotten God in the Interstice, jutting from a pile of riches stained in the color of undeath amidst the ruins of a former civilization.
Who knew where the portal was located? Who knew what crossing this threshold might reveal? Perhaps Death will be the first to arrive and explore the area, but for now, the strange monument stands silent as a tomb.