Cassandra Warbreaker
The Warbreaker is a rather unfortunate wanderer, unwittingly drawn into warzones. Her nickname was given by the Red Scarfs mercenary company and made popular after Cassandra and her companion, Sezhat, wandered in at the most opportune time to turn the tide of the Siege of Sandfall.
Born a slave to a khornate warband in the Eightpoints, a chance encounter with the ancient Sphiranx Sezhat created an opportunity for freedom. As an aelf, Cassandra has the innate ability to use magic and as a Sphiranx, Sezhat knows how to do it.
Their partnership is simple, in return for mentorship, Cassandra provides the perfect cover and opportunity to scour the realms of the precious magical artefacts that has ever been the obsessions of any Sphiranx. As their trials continue, neither admits to the bond they have managed to create.
Have you met Cassandra while within The Great Weave? Or have something to add to his story? Do that here!
Fort Carcass
Fort Carcass is a border castle of king Marrowblade's domain. It was build upon former Desraki territory conquered thanks to the help of two vampires - Vaska and Badr. Fort Carcass is manned by a fairly large contingent of ghouls led by Baron Gutliver. It's proximity...
Briar Haven
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City of Skullbrand, Dragon Ogor Kingdom
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