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Creatures and Monsters

The Latest in the "Creatures and Monsters" Weaving

Sinjuuri – The Clicking Crabs

A fastidious breed of large and highly poisonous crabs. Their clicking can be heard along the draining banks as the rivers and lagoons of the Dell. They come in swarms and are highly territorial....

Slitherschool Eels

These gather together in packs, each growing as thick around as an aelf’s leg, and taller than a high-born. They often gently sway together under the surface of the water to lure prey to a sense of...


Cunning, patient, long-finned bottom feeding amphibians that can grow as big as an auroch, or sometimes a wyvern. They are capable of speech but do so very seldomly, yet have incredible singing...

Prikkasnappaz – Migratory Carniverous Weeds

Descriptor: These brightly coloured knee high (to a human) weeds are coarse and unplesant to the touch, eminating a caustic residue with toxic properties. They bonehued petals curl over to form an...

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