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These brightly coloured knee high (to a human) weeds are coarse and unplesant to the touch, eminating a caustic residue with toxic properties. They bonehued petals curl over to form an almost jawlike crest that when provoked by nearby heat ensnare small birds and livestock or leave a nasty gash on larger prey.

A migratory weed that springs up in the wake of some Hogrot hosts these alien fauna choke the life from local plants, rapidly spreading to outnumber the dominant species in a grotlike assault on the region.

For a while now the Hobgrot Paymaster Raknok has been hurling chunks of Amberbone into his gargantuan prized Squigs Rokkgobblas open maw in the hopes of mutating the squig into a fearsome beast of destruction. Whilst changes have been minimal it has been noted his manure cultivates a breed of aggressive plantlife known by the Hobgrotz as Prikkasnappaz, an almost florescent knee high migratory weed that bullies out local fauna from light, strangling those plants nearby and choking an area of life before uprooting and starting again elsewhere.

It is rare for plantlife to be known as both aggressive and unkind, however these mutated crops seem to possess a mean streak not akin to the Hobgrot host in whose wake they form.

Azyrite Advice:
Dawnbringers are advised to burn an area approximately 1.5 times the size of the perceived Prikkasnappa infestation, a bizarrely cunning plant often enduring beyond more conservative events to blunt its growth there can be no half measures.

Grows in the wake of Raknoks Rancarous Gitz