Wielding the Burning Scales, Tyria bring justice and order to lands gripped in anarchy. With cold judgement and burning blade, she fights back against the corruption of the realms
Vulkaris Heroes
The Latest in the "Vulkaris Heroes" Weaving
Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant
The Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant are the two-headed Tzaangor in command of the expedition force of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour into Vulkaris.
Led by visions brought by Flames Isthubar and Xshaeta chart their way through the ruined kingdom, striving for some divine goal yet not fully clear.
Kherith, Prophetess of Morai-heg
Kherith was once a Hag Priestess in the Khailebron temple from the city of Pyreus. Now, an exile, she looks for means to defeat the Morathi loyalists and free her hometown.