Aldywen Grumbleheart is the man behind many of the deals, providing information to help the skyport prosper as well as possible. His ability to read the storms allow the skyvessels to manoeuvre to places where many armies would struggle to go without severe casualties...
The Latest in the "DC_Order" Weaving
Nebulok Darkbomb
Nebulok Darkbomb is considered by many to be an aether-khemist of prodigious levels. Known for his technology which aided the speed enhancement of the sky fleet, he has also got a few tricks up his sleeve and is not afraid of battle.
Endrinmaster Carvek Heisen
Endrinmaster Carvek Heisen is the right hand of Admiral Stoutstokk. Often seen on the front lines with the troops, he is a leader of great renown and seen by many as Stoutstokk’s eventual successor of the skyport.
Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey
Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey is the left hand of Admiral Stoutstokk. He is responsible for maintaining the sky fleet and even built ‘Ustenak II’, a frigate which is even faster than the older variant.
Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk
Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk has led the Council of Prospectors for decades, a grizzled veteran of many successful and unsuccessful raids. He was formerly captain of ‘Ustenak’, a frigate which was destroyed by a Troggoth Boss called Moggloff. The destruction of ‘Ustenak’...
Mazrok-taktak: Boggle-eyed Astromancer of Dreamless Sleep
Mazrok-taktak is a coalesced skink starmaster, a student of the Slann Mazol-oktotl. He is a master of realmgates, and can often be found near any that are displaying any strange effects, or abnormal behaviour. Primarily, he is probably one of the most well-educated beings in the Realms when it comes to the history, location, and effects of the gates.
Aleya – Watch Captain of Avelorn
Spellweavers are rare even by the standards of other Aelves. To wield such potent life magic takes hundreds of years of training and dedication, most may go their whole lives only managing the faintest hint of any arcane abilities. Not so with the Spellweavers. These Aelves are naturally gifted, and many whisper that they are blessed by the Great Tree itself. Wherever their power comes from; none can deny its miraculous effects.
Endrinmaster Kazulk Somberbeard
Endrinmaster Kazulk Somberbeard serves aboard Admiral Calik’s flagship. Although younger than most Endrinmaster’s he has proven his worth 10 times over. Keeping to himself for the most part, Kazulk has developed quite the reputation for being able to resolve any problems that arise, be it patch working on vessels mid battle or dealing a mighty blow to enemies venturing to close.
Lord Celestant Reynolds
Lord Celestant Reynolds has the honour of leading the charge of the Knights Excelsior’s Warrior Chamber into The Interstice’s . A Noble warrior who is highly respected by his troops and peers. While his calm demeanour may imply a more placid view that his fellow Knights Excelsior, when it comes to the battlefield he is force to be reckoned with.
Angelorian the Vengeful – Immortal Exemplar of the Fallen Brotherhood
Angelorian is the soul survivor of a Knights Exemplar Paladin Squad who where sent to purge a squad of Ogors.
However it would seem the Mawtribe led them into a trap and the Paladin squad, while taking down a great number of Ogors, where severely outnumbered.
Through a shear force of will, Angelorian would not tire, he did not give ground, and bolstered by some supernatural force he managed to kill the rest of the Ogor ambush and swore an oath of Vengeance against all Ogors.
Mara – Oracle of Avelorn
Spellweavers are rare even by the standards of other Aelves. To wield such potent life magic takes hundreds of years of training and dedication, most may go their whole lives only managing the faintest hint of any arcane abilities. Not so with the Spellweavers. These Aelves are naturally gifted, and many whisper that they are blessed by the Great Tree itself. Wherever their power comes from; none can deny its miraculous effects.
Feinour – Avelorn’s Sorrow
Feinour is unique among Avelorn’s Nomad Princes, for he is a peaceful soul at heart, lacking the fires of battle lust that stoke the hearts of many Aelves in Avelorn’s pastime. For him, war is but a tragic necessity, a conflict unavoidable.
Lazul Anchorport
Aether-Khemist Lazul Anchorport serves aboard Admiral Calik’s flagship. Lazul is leading the way on harvesting and assessing airborne resources, determining what brought them into the Interstice pocket realm and how they’d be able to return. When not in battle, Lazul seeks out 3rd parties to understand the landscape at ground level, within the air and most recently under the savage seas.
Malathir Weavesong
Malathir WeavesongWithin the age of Myth Malathir was sprung within the realm of Gyhran, with peace and serenity weaving within the song from Alarielle. It was a time of great wisdom and council. Malathir however was unusual amongst his kin, the seasons seem to ebb...
Calik Shadowhull
Mistrustful Bounty Hunter of the Concealed Riddles. A young Duardin cadet looked across the deck of the Frigate and was in awe. “Pick up that jaw before I weld it shut!” yelled the Company Captain. Turning to see what the young Duardin was gazing at. “Ah, I see.” The...
Barret Grund
Endrinmaster Barret Grund is very skilled and adept at maintaining the fleet of Admiral Calik. Since their Skyport Barak-Brumzok and their Fleet The Oathsigned Prospectors were pulled into The Interstice he’s certainly had his work cut out. In battle Barret has yet to...