Vorgur was a tribal leader for one of the few nomadic, Chaos-worshipping, tribes that call Nasson and Neolotl home. Rising to prominence through brute force, he rode a great bear into battle, preferring to cleave his enemy's skulls in from above, rather than join them...
Vurm-tai Dramatis Personae
The Latest in the "Vurm-tai Dramatis Personae" Weaving
Drekazra the Unbowed
Drekazra the Unbowed has lived alone for as long as he can remember. After killing his family, and hundreds of others, in what would become known in Nassollotyl as "The Green Furnace" he fled the city surrounded by his first retinue of undead. Pulled from the graves...
Beliana Fauncrest
Beliana is the current leader of Nassollotyl. Although an aristocrat, she does live in a Realm that is constantly trying to eat you, and has managed to lead her city through a number of recent trials. A such, she's as ruthless as the come, both on the battlefield, and...