Acting as the spiritual leader of The Cult of The Fell Dragon within the forgotten Shyishian underworld of Drakengrad, the person known only as Propheter Anankos is shrouded in mysteries as great as the power they wield.Little is known of the Propheter's origins, save...
CotFD Dramatis Personae
The Latest in the "CotFD Dramatis Personae" Weaving
Lord-Aquilor Lucina Chromsdottir
Lord-Aquilor of The Children of The End Times Vanguard-Auxiliary Chamber of The Blades of Light Stormhost. A grim woman determined to see her task of felling a draconic godbeast done. While her memory often fragments into haunting visions of what was and might yet come, her recollection of her heritage as the daughter of a fearless warrior king is clear, and she would be damned if she were to sully her father’s legacy.