Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition
Realm Quests
Barak Urbaz River Problems
A river between Barak-Urbaz and the Greyfyrd Lodge has begun to haphazardly sink various ships that use it as a trade route.
The Thirsty Pilgrim
The dour traditionalists of the sky-port of Barak- Thryng are slow to ask for assistance, which is why their plea for aid is so unusual. The Kharadron frigate, The Thirsty Pilgrim, crashed in the Yhorn Mountains, near the Spiral Crux, on the way to Barak-Urbaz. The fallen crew managed to send out a distress signal before they were cut off.
Glowing Lights
Strange sounds and glowing lights have been heard around the Lost Forgecity of Grugni, found on Ayadah
Chamon Stories

The quick and the buried
Grikk Mookshield had seen many things in his long 5 years of life, but he didn’t think he’d ever understand the other races’ obsession with gold. It was a perfectly fine material, don’t get him wrong; it was rust-proof, easy to work with, conducted realmstone energy...

Legends of the Scarlands
Many legends have sprung up out of the wreckage of the Bleeding Wilds. People there are afraid, and need stories to explain how their world has been so completely overturned, and comfort them that they are not without protection.One of the latter of these stories is...

RP Log: Chance Encounter Beyond the Palisades
It is a clear, cool night in the Weald. The stars shine visible for all to see in the deep blue sky. The air is filled with the sounds of chirping insects, and camp members are sharing food around scattered campfires. It is peaceful. Veiðan and Hitomi decide to take...
People, Armies, and Monsters From Chamon
Minaqtur The Messenger of Rot
Minaqtur was a mere mortal when he started to worship the great Uncle Nurgle. But through...
lord Aquilor Nero the Skyheart
Nero the Skyheart was born in the iron spire to free guild generals Alfhard Asco and Casca...
The Crimson Force
The Liberated Troggherd
A warband of Troggoths that were enslaved by an Ironjawz Waaagh! Now freed from their masters and goaded to war once more by the glow of the Bad Moon!
Theddrisk’s Flesh-swarm
Theddrisk the Cruel master of the flesh burrows of Clan Iron Klaw
The Beards of the Horizon
An entrepid crew of Endrinriggers starting their first independent venture.
Locations in Chamon
Barak-Hirn, City of Heralds
The City of Heralds, Barak-Hirn, is located in an aetherstream above the Sea of Scholars. It is...
Griffon’s Eyrie
The Griffon's Eyrie is a region in the Spiral Crux in the Realm of Chamon. In the Age of Myth, the...
City of the Jeweled Dragon – Barak-Izrildrakkaz
Barak-Izrildrakkaz is a Kharadron Overlord skyport populated with inventors, explorers, and relic...
Argetoria Like much of Chamon, the desolate valleys of Argetoria have fallen under the...
Ironchaff Plain
An area in the Realm of Chamon. Located closer towards the core than the other edges, things...
The Spiral Crux, situated in Chamon, the Realm of Metal, is a place of change and mutation, where...