Crobus. The City of Fallen Monuments.
Once it was the cultural center of the Trench, built by the glorious Ivory Empire in the Beginning of the Age of Chaos. Its founder, a vain man with suspected Slaaneshi influences named Emperor Ulnorth The First had many statues to his Glory built in the city, but like the Ivory Empire, they all fell to time. Recently, the last of the Khornate statues in their place fell as the city came under the Burning Wings of Our Saviour.
Since then, another set of statues have been erected, of Tzaangor heroes and saints, but also of Slaaneshi.
Indeed, the followers of the Prince of Pleasure had a big part in the taking of the city as allies to the Templars, so the Slaaneshi influences in the city are undeniable.
The Slaaneshi have been allowed to build a temple to their God, the Grand Palace of Divine Indulgence, where decadent feasts and celebrations are being held daily.
Still, the Templars control the city with absolute authority, and their golden-clad Warriors patrol the city keeping order.