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Da Age of Flesh is Oova

Apr 17, 2022


Da Molten Factory was bellowing out an obnoxious amount of smog and fire, clearly working overtime to get production going. The various enslaved Troggoths handling the dangerous machinery, producing more crude armour and weapons for the forces of the Waaagh! Up on the rafters stands Stovepipe and Gorkpetto, observing the production to make sure it is on schedule.

“So the weapons will be ready for our assault on Ghur?” Asked the metal cladded warlord, looking down at his ‘trusted advisor’.
“Ov course Mazta, the Troggoths are hard at work and shall be done by dawn.”

“Hmph, this shouldn’t take dat long.”
“Wez already working overtime, da pace is set”
“…Remind me to find some gits to fill out the factory. More bodies for more weapons!”
“Of course, Mazta Stovepipe.” The shaman said with a roll of his eyes. He always finds it amusing when his creation gives him orders that he already had in motion much earlier. It’s not like he really has a soul, let alone a say in what happens to this Waaagh! Although he has been noticing Stovepipe becoming more independent in the recent battles. After the first time he was shot down, Gorkpetto has been slowly augmenting and improving the might of the megaboss. Was he working too good? Did he need to find another to control easier?
Suddenly there was a rumble before a massive explosion went off on the factory floor. “The zog was that?!”
“Did those Troggoths overhear da lines again?”
“I don’t…no, dere iz someone ‘ere” Gorkpetto was sure as there was puss and got that started to seep from the epicentre of the explosion, rotten trees sprouting and puss seeping. A few moments passed before a hoard of nurgle daemons rushed out of the trees towards the Troggoths. “Nurgle Gitz have invaded the Factory!”
“Waz getting bored with just standing around anyway. TO BATTLE YA GITZ!” Stovepipe yelled out to his troops as he jumped from the catwalk towards the various nurgle beasts that were flooding the factory floor. A large group of them surrounded the Troggoths closest to the tree and just ripped them to shreds, but the Ardboy guards made it to the battle before the slugs could spread further, Stovepipe up in front of the group to get some kills in too. Meanwhile, Gorkpetto’s personal Brute bodyguard were tasked to find the source of the infection: the daemon leading the attack. They crashed their way through a blockade of Nurglings before rushing towards their best guess of the leader, a Plague bearer riding a giant plague ridden snail. They were slowed down due to the mucus and viscera that was spreading from all the dead beasts that were flooding the floor, but after a vicious battle, they finally managed to kill the snail riding daemon. 

However, this did not stop the advance. In fact, even more Beasts of Nurgle were streaming from the trees and the Ardboy guards were being whittled down. Even Stovepipe was starting to slow down, as if the gunk was filling in the gears inside their totally legit biological body. At this point Gorkpetto teleported the Megaboss away before they could be killed, but the strain and sickness around the battlefield made them weakened, so he too withdrew. Even without their warlord near, the Brutes continued to clean up shop, killing multiple beasts even after the initial Ardboyz finally succumbed to their wounds. From beasts to drones, the Brutes obliterated them all. 

During this assault, the remaining Troggoths started to deal with the trees that were still in the floor. They finally resulted to up chucking their oily innards all over the trees, causing them to twist and melt from the sheer acidity of the barf. It was a bloody battle, but at last the demons stopped flooding in, and finally all the nurgle threats were killed.

A few moments later, Stovepipe returned to the factory floor, freshly cleaned of any gunk and observing the damage. He gave a satisfied grunt to the remaining Brutes before looking at the production line, it being mostly wrecked during the battle. “… Guess this means they won’t be ready by dawn, den…”

Stovepipe ordered the Boyz to start repairs on the factory floor, and use the nurgly bits to bolster the Factory in case of future surprise invasions. He wasn’t ready to have this happen again, no matter how much fun it was. He headed back to Gorkpetto, who was worse for ware after the battle, his health failing on him more.

“You’z don’t look too good” Stovepipe stated to his crippled shaman
“I will be fine”
“You are hacking up snot and blood, and you didn’t even fight in the battle.”

“I said I will be fine!” Gorkpetto yelled before hacking and coughing again. “I just need time to recover”
“Youz need more den time, youz need an upgrade” Gorkpetto looked in confusion as a group of Ardboyz in surgical gear came in “Youz gave me me power, youz need to also become powerful if you wish to serve me Waaagh!”
“What? No, NO, I aint ready, I need more time! You cant do dis to me!!!” Gorkpetto pleaded, legs weak as he slowly succumbs to the disease inside him. The Ardboyz lifted up the sickly Shaman.

“Now iz az betta time as any. It won’t be a full konvershun, at least not yet, but consida dis a taste of wots to come…for ALL of da realms. Da age of flesh is oova. Let reign da age of industry begin. Once you are fixed, da invasion of Ghur will begin!”

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.