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Da Realmhuntaz

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Da Realmhuntaz are a nomadic warclan of Kruleboyz, led by Razgor Beastbreaka. These Kruleboyz originally hailed from the deserts of Ghur, having adapted to life in the desert and dealing with beasts that roamed them. They even build their society around hunting, with hunting trophies being the proof of your skill as a hunter. These days, they wander the realms, looking for beasts to slay and towns to pillage. Yet, they still prefer the scorching suns of the desert and the easy targets that Ghur brings, so they most often stick around the longest in the Ghurish deserts.

PTG page: https://thegreatweave.com/realmhuntaz/

Realmhunta origins

A long time ago, the Realmhuntaz were known as the Sandwalkaz. In those days, they stuck to their desert, called the Scorching Plains, which they called home. They had claimed it as their territory and used it as their hunting grounds. During a battle with followers of Tzeentch trying to open a gate into the realm of chaos, the entire warclan got teleported into an isolated region of Hysh, known as the Prime Dominion. There, the warclan supported the aelven leader Atressa in her conquest. But before all that and before the sandwalkaz, there was a time when the warclan were swamp dealing orruks like most of their kin. The only orruks who remember these times are the boss of the Realmhuntaz, Razgor and the shaman Azogg Gatemeka. They don’t discuss these times, but the only thing that is clear is that Razgor was still a simple killaboss working under a different leader, but killed this leader and led the warclan to the promised lands. Ever since, he has been the head of the warclan and still holds the position to this day, even after countless attempts by many orruks to seize control.

Realmhunta culture

The society of Da Realmhuntaz all revolves around hunting. To them, it’s all that matters, besides raiding and destruction. Every orruk is decorated with some kind of trophy, ranging from animal hides, to tongues or eyeballs. Depending on your trophies and expertise, you climb higher on the social ladder. Many orruks have different functions, some acting as a wall to keep the beast from getting closer, some acting as ranged support and some acting as bait to lure out the beast. Da Realmhuntaz work together as one group when hunting single larger beasts but can also easily separate and take care of large groups. Their boltboyz are some of the sharpshooters around and their leaders are all well versed in all kinds of tactics for taking down foes a dozen times their size. Despite the sense of unity, infighting often takes place during times with little prey and can happen over the smallest thing, such as who gets which eyeball. Still, the orruks are kept in line by Razgor, who rules with an iron fist, with a mirebrute troggoth, known simply as Big ‘un acting as his enforcer.

Da realmhuntaz and other races

Even though most of their time is spent hunting, Da Realmhuntaz are still forces of Destruction and regularly engage in the things that come with that. Raiding, pillaging and razing settlements, forts and towns regularly takes place, with a particular fondness of destroying undead fortifications. By Kruleboyz standards, Da Realmhuntaz are tame, not keen on the torture and twisted games many of their brethren typically enjoy. Instead, they often take many captives and steal as much loot as possible only to sell them at the very first opportunity. Despite hating civilization, Da Realmhuntaz understand the importance of trade and materials and often leave certain trade hubs standing as to have an easy market for their wares. They sell everything from bones and hides from the monsters they slay, to the captives they take. They look to trade this for certain materials, such as explosives and steel that are not as easy to come by. For this purpose, the hobgrotz of Da Realmhuntaz play a big part, acting as the traders as they have a natural sense for art of trade. Da Realmhuntaz often take work as blades for hire too, not shy to do dirty work. 

Razgor Beastbreaka

The leader of Da Realmhuntaz is an orruk known as Razgor Beastbreaka, who also goes by other titles, such as Da Redhanded, Grand Huntaboss, dworfeata, aelfbeata and many other titles. Razgor himself however, cares little for these titles, which are often given to him by the other orruks in the clan. Razgor himself only bothers with them when introducing himself to important clients or leaders, but considers them to be worth little. He would rather show off his impressive collection of trophies, collected over centuries of hunting. Razgor considers himself a hunter extraordinaire and considers it his purpose in life. 

Razgor isn’t the strongest, biggest or toughest orruk in the clan, but he is the smartest and by a big margin. Razgor outsmarts any orruk in his clan and can match a lot of the more intelligent races. He has a well developed tactical mind, can do complex problem solving and is even capable of feeling emotions, something he has stated as being a nuisance and sometimes struggles with. Maybe for the better for the realms, Razgor puts this mind to use purely for hunting, barely ever taking part in the raids and pillaging his tribe conducts at times. He even disapproves of needless cruelty. How Razgor came to be this intelligent is up for debate. Some say he’s blessed by Mork, some say it was because of his stay in Hysh, whilst others say that only improved what was already there. Razgor used to ride an albino Great Gnashtoof, named Kruelfang, but the beast was killed by a lumineth known as Zod-El, something Razgor is still bitter about to this day, even after the aelf saved his life. These days, Razgor rides a Sludgeraker known as Grotgobbla. The mount isn’t as trustworthy as his previous animal, but Razgor appreciates its raw strength, natural venom and the extra space to display his trophies. Whilst not exactly loyal to the orruk, Grotgobbla is cowardly, but wouldn’t attempt to harm Razgor.

Razgor himself is scarred from his long existence and time spent as monster hunter and blade for hire. Besides the countless scars, each with their own story, Razgor lost his left arm whilst duelling a vampire lord. The lost limb has been replaced with the arm of a sylvaneth, which was a gift from a sylvaneth arch revenant named Adaleire spiteborn, after Da Realmhuntaz saved these spiteborn from eradication by other sylvaneth. The arm is magically attached and seemingly works as if it had always been his left arm. Razgor himself even considers it an upgrade over the old one, as it has higher strength than his previous arm and the sharp claws can easily be used as climbing picks or weapons. 

Other than the prosthetic arm, Razgor also always wears a metal mask of Kharadron design. How he got it is debated, but apparently it was a gift from a friend. During a hunt, Razgor got corrosive bile in his mouth, which grievously burned his lungs and throat. On the brink of death, he was left behind by his warclan and through sheer luck saved by a Kharadron merchant. The two of them became friends and Razgor was gifted the mask to ease the pain when breathing. What happened between the two of them is unclear but Razgor later rejoined the Realmhuntaz and refuses to speak of the topic to this day, becoming highly agitated when it’s brought up


Razgor’s Handz

The most accomplished and cunning hunters within Da Realmhuntaz form Razgor’s Handz, a council who help advise and council him. On top of that, each of them fills a unique role within the warclan and commands their own army. Whilst some of them are Razgor’s few close and trustes friends, most of them Razgor wouldn’t trust with his life. Many of them would take the chance to usurp him, but you have to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.


Big ‘un, Da Roight Hand, Tracka Supreme

During their time in the Prime Dominion, right after Razgor lost his mount, he fell down a cliff and was about to be eaten alive by swamp dwelling dogs when a troggoth saved his life. This troggoth, later named Big ‘un, shared Razgors passion for the hunt and he managed to convince them to join his Warclan. Big ‘un is covered in fur of the beasts they have slain and always wears a skull mask to hide their face. The troggoth doesn’t speak, but seems to be able to understand a lot more, reveiling a rather high intellegence for a troggoth. Whilst Razgor leads the tribe, Big ‘un decides where they go. They serves Razgor’s right hand and the primary tracker for Da Realmhuntaz, almost supernaturally being able to tell where the next prey is, or when it’s time to move onto new hunting grounds. They also double as Razgor’s enforcer, securing his position as leader against foes with so much raw strenght, he can’t even outsmart them. The two of them are close friends and Big ‘un is the few living creatures Razgor would trust with his life. The two of them would go to the depths of the chaos realm for each other and would give their life for the other in an instant if necessary. Big ‘un enjoys leatherworking, albeit a very crude and primitive form of it, making banners, clothes, pouches and other things from the hide they collect from whatever beast they’ve recently slain.


Kragotrag Shieldbozz, Da Left Hand, Da Great Hammer

The only other orruk Razgor would entrust his life too, Kragotrag acts as the main linemen for the warband. He always fights on the frontlines, alongside the troops. With his axe held high and shield at the ready, few opponents stand before Kragotrag for long. Uniquely for a kruleboyz, Kragotrag fights with honour, almost as any knights would. Other than that, he also has an artistic side, obsessed with painting his shield to be the most unique and pretty face in the warclan.

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