Kurnoth Hunter of the Ironbark War Glade
Darach is a 20 year old, 12’4″ Kurnoth Hunter. Their bark is coloured white with glints of silver and foliage of aspen yellow. They carry both a massive hunter bow, as well as a Greatscythe into battle.
Darach is a young Kurnoth that emerged from his soulpod in the midst of an ongoing battle. His first memories are fighting alongside the dwarves of Chamon, driving back an incursion of chaos. The counter-offensive took them to the Allpoints, but the battle turned on them. Most of the other Aylvaneth perished, however, due to the sacrifice of the dwarves, a Branchwych was able to recover many of the Lamentiri. Darach was the only Kurnoth whose body survived, but he swore to honour the dwarves’ sacrifice for his kin. He joined the binding with one of these dwarves, a young(ish) Irondrake named Bryn. Bryn did not survive the process. Darach mourns his loss but has lost none of his determination to protect the dwarves in all the realms. He remains uncertain of other races, finding many of them strange and unpredictable.
Ambush near Fuegorn Drift
The Deepkin noble was searching the ruins along with his retinue of eel riding guards, with a shark floating over head keeping look out. They had no idea they were being watched. "This is almost to easy." whispered Kwark to second"Ya boss man, I'm surprised they took...
Blue Lion Fortress of Redemption
The Headquarters of the Blue Lions who chose to follow the Templar Vardeshir the Solemn in the conquest of Desraki controlled territory. For their service in the Templars' war and their redemption, the Blue Lions were allowed to build a fortress in the Crusader State,...
New Khardihr
Once, there was a grand flying city named Khardihr, which fell over Rondhol during the events of Revenge of Rondhol and was, in the end destroyed by crazed Sylvaneth and Khornates.The people of Rondhol evacuated, at least the ones who could - the rest was left...