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The Four-armed Witch. Saviour and doom of Yuewall


Submitted by:

Lon Vagabond


Do not destroy without permission


A staunch member of the Order of Azyr, Doranii has always been wholly dedicated to her duty. In her mind, all else is secondary, even her own purity. 

Quiet by nature, and lacking the charming charisma or gritty severity of some of her compatriots, many have underestimated the young witch hunter. Those that do may think themselves with the upper hand for a time, but eventually, Doranii’s methodical, patient machinations prevail.

She finds power in knowledge, and is as dedicated to her studies as her training. In ancient tomes she awakened her own arcane ability, uncaring of the nature of the power she found, so long as it could be turned to her ends.

During her stewardship of Yuewall her paranoia has grown, seeing enemies real and imagined in every corner as she weaves her plans. To the people of Yuewall she is a detached, but intimidating figure, unknowable but as much a saviour as a threat. 


Doranii was not destined for a life in the Order of Azyr. The daughter of a powerful noble family in Azyr, her childhood was spent in preparation for a life of luxury and petit politics. But Doranni chose a different path, turning her back on her family to join the only organization they could not influence, the Order.

Her early career was almost unremarkable, though she found herself constantly moving across the realms, transferred from one post to another. Her superiors could never say why, but they were unsettled by the quiet yet studious apprentice in their charge. 

It was in Yuewall, fighting against the scourge of savagery  where she found a chance to truly seize her destiny. After the untimely death of her superior, she assumed control of the Order’s forces in the city, and in time, the city itself.

Free from the constraints of others, she embraced her nature, delving into forbidden knowledge and ancient lore, harnessing new powers that she used to save, and control the city under her charge. 

Now she stands as Yuewall’s ruler in all but name, holding together a fractious and uneasy confederacy of warring factions. Whispers abound about the four armed witch, and the terrible sounds heard from her tower. Doranii cares not, the city is hers, and she will keep it with every means at her disposal.

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