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Dr. Ulcerott Mouldspawn

Dr. Ulcerrot Mouldspawn, High Pestimancer of the Mournful Choir, Surgeon (disbarred) & Equerry to Lord Glotteus of Weeping Tor.

The Dr. leads the Mournful Choir of the Order of the Tolling Bell and is an enthusiastic Nurglite faithful. Author of The Hyshian Diaries, his journals describe (excuse) his actions in the service of the Lord of Flies.


Submitted by:

Ed C


Do not destroy without permission

Hailing from the city of Thanator’s Manse in the Amethyst Princedoms of Shyish, Dr. Mouldspawn began his medical career healing the victims of various poxes and other ailments. He delved deeply into knowledge on the source of diseases within the realms and, as a religious man, he began to question the people’s reverance for the strength of the God-King Sigmar due to the ongoing threats of Chaos and the prevalence of misery and disease that dominated the lives of the common men of the realm.
His faith finally came to breaking point one foggy evening, as he strode through the plague-struck quarters of the city. Hearing voices in the gloom, he encountered a group of dishevelled men preaching the End-of-All-Things, that the God-King was a distant and uninterested god and there was only one power to embrace before a tide of evil and sadness overtook the world.
The group’s preaching struck a chord with the Doctor, confirming the thoughts and feelings he had already begun to harbour. When he questioned them on why they were spreading their truth in the shunned and lonely parts of the city, they explained how the God-King’s ‘Dogs’ wouldn’t take kindly to them showing the people how weak and ineffectual he was. The Inquisition would fall on them to keep the secret and the people mollified.
The Doctor met the group several times over the following weeks and began to shun his local Sigmarite chapel on Blessings Street. Instead he turned to old book markets and merchants of curios, searching for something that would align with what the Preachers-in-the-Gloom had said.
It was during one of his long periods of study of ancient texts, that he uncovered an account of the days of the Age of Chaos, particularly the invasion of the Amethyst Princedoms. He learned how the people put up a great defence until the Battle of Burning Skies brought resistance to Chaos across the realms to an abrupt end.
The knowledge of these events began to eat away at the Doctor’s mind, he started to hear strange voices in his dreams and began to get the feeling he was being watched. At the same time, he noticed that plants rapidly died in his presence, that milk curdled and his clothes began harbouring all manner of lice and other pests, no matter how often he cleaned them. Finally, the words in his sleep began to make sense, enough that he could remember them in the morning and write them down. They seemed to say “Nurg-leth“.


Main Lore Hooks:

Leaving Thanator’s Manse and travelling first to Lethis before sailing to the Banelands under Archaon’s control.

Journeying to Weeping Tor and pledging himself to the Order of the Tolling Bell. 

Becoming High Pestimancer of the Mournful Choir.

The Hysh campaign introduced Dr. Mouldspawn, to the opportunities for destroying enemy fleets using his Rotwood Incantation. The magical destruction of a Teclandec fleet was an experiment that delivered over and above its expected results.

Leading the Mournful Choir to Ghur to join Castian Storm’s reavers in the Scarlands. Discovering the “Blade of Perfection” whilst exploring the area and using its magic to defeat a tidal wave that might have destroyed Storm’s Black Ark.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...

Path of Sigils

“Who did this?”The Skaven struggled in pain, his extremities broken and limp. It was no challenge to make him talk; it was obvious the coward had seen too much already.The Templars had followed the fleeing plague monks to this clearing, where the skaven had tried to...