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Dunn da Libratedd

Dunn da Libratedd

Dunn was like any other Troggoth in the service of Waaagh! Stovepipe!; forced to work in their cruel factories in Ghur on new weapons of war. The Troggoths that weren’t performing their part were enhanced with mechanical augments, eventually becoming mindless automitons for their masters. Dunn was one such Dankhold Troggoth that fell to this cursed life, and have been working in the factories for many months. Then one night, the normal smog that covered the night sky was thin, and the lights of the sky were not normal this night. The light of the Bad Moon had reached the Troggoths, leading to them being revitalized and rampaged against their former masters. Dunn lead the charge, eventually escaping the factory and began their new pilgrimage to follow the Bad Moon’s light to continue their control of their augmented bodies, as without it they would surely return to their autominous ways…

Dunn da Libratedd

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