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Elanor Fordreth

First daughter and warden of the drowned city of Tira Gnok. Burdend with the soulblight curse she leads her people, living and dead, to defend what remains of their home.

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Submitted by:

Lon Vagabond


Do not destroy without permission


Elanor is a quiet, reserved figure. She is aware of her inexperience and would rather watch and learn than rush in blindly. Despite this her anger has a short fuse when it comes to certain topics, particularly concerning her home. A trait that has led to unfortunate outbursts in the past.

She reserves judgement on most, understanding life forces uncomfortable choices and is willing to work with almost anyone in furtherance of her goals. Cowards, those that forsake duty or honour and zealots of any stripe earn her disdain. Her hatred, though, is reserved for Sigmar’s fanatics and other soulblight.


Born the daughter of King Damaclith Fordreth, Elanor was brought up to one day rule the city of Tira Gnok. In the end, the responsibility was thrust upon her when catastrophe struck her home.

The waters rose and Tira Gnok drowned. In a desperate attempt to save his kingdom, her father embraced the powers of death, taking on the soulblight curse. It was not enough and, with the Order of Azyr pursuing him, he passed the responsibility, and the curse on to his daughter.

With the power of the curse running through her veins, Elanor Fordreth dispatched the last of the Order of Azyr and took control of what remained of her city. The dead outnumbered the living and she found herself all but alone looking upon the ruins of her home.
She resented her father for the curse she had afflicted upon her, but she would not abandon her duty. Her land, her people, were hers to lead and protect.

She set about rebuilding her home, though there was precious little to work with. So she cast her gaze further afield, looking for artefacts and knowledge that would give her the power she needed. Tira Gnok had always been a great maritime nation, and so she set out upon the waves once more, though her gaze always returns to home.

She currently leads the Tiran-Khard Expedition in Rondhol.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.