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Eye of the Storm

Jun 7, 2022


Following the Battle of Drakheim, Drakengrad appeared to enter a period of relative calm as each force sought to recover from the devastating battles.

The Hungering Warherd ambled aimlessly amongst the region, shepherded by members of The Cult of The Fell Dragon as they investigated the Sentinel Bones throughout Drakengrad. The Beasts, full from their meal of Stormcast during the battle, slowed their progress considerably, routinely falling into satisfied sleep rather than protecting the cultists as they were meant to. Though temporarily satisfied, the cultists knew to be wary, for the Warherd’s hunger would soon return, and they hoped to be far from the beasts when it did.

Near Drakheim, Lord-Aquilor Lucina Chromsdottir sought to clean her city in more ways than one. While King Mat’hain’s Wartide proved useful in defending the city during the battle, such an act of good will was not enough to wash away the Lord-Aquilor’s hatred of the Idoneth King. Following their shame of attacking the fleeing Kharadron, the Stormcast of The Reforged Blade were more than willing to hunt down the Idoneth on the Lord-Aquilor’s orders, drawing upon members of their Extremis Chamber to see the deed done. Through the sacrifice of his meddlesome Tidecaster, King Mat’hain yet again escaped Lucina’s judgment after fighting The Reforged Blade’s prized Stardrake to a standstill.

This was not the only disturbance to keep Drakheim on edge. Frustrated by the destruction wrought by the battle, Treelord Titaneedle of the Hollowpine Wargrove put on a gruesome and silent display of his anger before the watching eyes of the city. His Spite-Revenants danced upon the corpses of the recently slain while Freeguild Guard manning the walls were forced to watch on in horror, but to everyone’s shock, an additional party joined in.

Arrayed in robes of blue and gray, a strange Hidden dancer appeared amongst the Sylvaneth. Their words were ancient and unfathomable by all except Titaneedle, who recognized with horror the evil that had now besieged Drakengrad. He and his Wargrove quickly retreated to the lands of The Mila Tribe, seeking their aid against the coming disaster. Thanks to the testimony of Hidden priestess, Uta, the Mila Tribe reluctantly agreed to arm themselves.

Within Drakheim, news of the Hidden dancers morbid performance shocked the citizenry, and it was not long before a suspect matching the description was found being targeted by The Cult of The Fell Dragon as well. The accused dancer denied all knowledge of the goings-on across Drakengrad, but the truth has yet to be fully discerned.

With internal affairs righted, the eye of the storm over Drakengrad passes. Tensions again rise across the forgotten underworld. With the interloper seen now by all, questions still remain as to their true nature and their designs for Drakengrad, even as The Cult of The Fell Dragon renews its apocalyptic efforts, with the Free City of Drakheim again rising to stop them.

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.