Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
New Khardihr
Once, there was a grand flying city named Khardihr, which fell over Rondhol during the events of Revenge of Rondhol and was, in the end destroyed by crazed Sylvaneth and Khornates.The people of Rondhol evacuated, at least the ones who could - the rest was left...
Family Reunion
The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the CrownFamily ReunionMatlalhuitl, the Saint of Yektiktlan, sat upon his Charming Throne — a construct of palest birchwood boards, intertwined with slender, flowering vines; an elegant tribute to the Everqueen’s grace — and regarded his...
Fort Carcass
Fort Carcass is a border castle of king Marrowblade's domain. It was build upon former Desraki territory conquered thanks to the help of two vampires - Vaska and Badr. Fort Carcass is manned by a fairly large contingent of ghouls led by Baron Gutliver. It's proximity...