Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
The Scale Breakers
The Scale Breakers are a nomadic tribe of mercenary Ogors, primarily Maneaters, serving under the leadership of one Franz Dragonbreaker, a wandering Tyrant who ascended to head of the burgeoning warband after appearing from seemingly nowhere and wresting control from a previous chieftain while the tribe was on an expedition to the Gnarlwood.
Speak with the dead
Badr was feeling uneasy. Since joining the coven, she's been trying to not use necromancy. But sometimes life is not giving you a choice…Her chamber was lit only by the weak light of candles. On the table in the middle of the room a morbid trophy was lying - the head...
surrender or die
On the way to lay siege to New Edessa the horned scythe was discovered a rogue beastmen Brayherd camped in the way of the March so Qushroc The Plaguebreath sent a envoy to persuade the beastmen to move out of the way or die but the envoy was slaughter and had his head...