Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
Battle of Reaver Wastes
"Aim-fire on that group of she-aelves mom!" Demanded Ratsputin while pointing his staff at a charging group of sisters of slaughter. "Yes-yes bless the the holy rain of filth and show them the way my bothers" proclaims plague bishop Slinkwhisker has the plague claw...
Ship’s Log of Enskeri Runesworn
Ship's Log of Enskeri Runesworn, Grumblefleet Admiral and Cartographer Log Entry 234: The Metallic Caverns, near the Vexshik Spire The Vexshik Spire looms before us, its machinations grinding endlessly. This spire does not just change the environment—it commands it....
mynydd ceg y ddraig(The dragon’s mouth mountain)
The Ordofigaidd tribe had arrived at the Vulkaris, a continent edgeward of the Great Parch, though the Ghyran realmgate matched out for roughly three days, but they were forced into battle against a cites of Sigmar outpost, block their way forward the tribe overlem...