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Gatherin’ Da Troops

Oct 16, 2022


In a small clearing near the River Att, Urgoth sits staring at a small fire, occasionally poking it with what looks like a sharp piece of bone or horn. His armor has huge chunks torn off, bite marks showing at the edges. A large tooth is stuck in his shoulder, and bits of seaweed hang off his limbs. A few of his Spookbustas hang out nearby, including a lone goregrunta. More Orruks from other mobs have found their way to the camp, attracted by the fires and cooking meat. All look battered and bedraggled, although there is plenty to eat in the aftermath of Ghur’s Wrath, with large creature from the fight cooking over the flames. Several Orruks have learned to avoid Urgoth in his foul mood, as he lashes out at anyone that bothers him.

A lone ‘Ardboy clad in scraps of damaged armor makes his way to the camp approached Urgoth with trepidation.


Urgoth glares at the ‘Ardboy

“Ya got some good news for me, Durbok?”

Durbok looks down at his feet.

“Well, Boss…err…”

“Spit it out, Durbok.”

“No sign of Dughoz, Boss. Some boyz saw a diregator take him. We looked where dey saw ‘im, but all we could find was dis.” Durbock takes out a choppa. It would be small in the hands of an Ironjaw but almost a big choppa for a ‘Ardboy. Urgoth recognizes it as Dughoz’s backup weapon.

“Dat’s all ya found?”

Durbok backs away slightly, hoping he was out of krumpin’ range but knowing his boss would have no trouble catching him if it came to it.

“Yeah, boss.”

“Well, tell me when you find more.” Urgoth’s shoulders slump and turns away. This scares Durbok almost more than his anger. His boss is invincible. He doesn’t muck around mopin’ like this. Durbok screws up his courage to call out to Urgoth.


“Wot do ya want, Durbok?” Urgoth turns back towards the ‘Ardboy.

Durbok stands up straight, looking  the sitting Urgoth in the eye. The effect is only slightly ruined by his having to crane his neck almost straight up to do it.

“Boss, we can’t keep doing this. Da boyz are talkin’. Wez follow you cause youz tough and lead us to fights. More, you make sure we win fights, wif taktics and cause you can krump anything. Urgoth don’t mope ‘round doin’ nuttin’ for days. Dughoz know that. If he made it he’d regroup back at da main camp or push on forward. He wouldn’t be thinkin’ we hung around for so long. Youz gotta lead da boyz dat are still here ‘fore dey give up.”

Urgoth pulls himself up and walks towards the ‘Ardboy, sharp piece of bone in hand. He looms over the smaller Orruk, several times his height. Durbok braces at his boss approaches, but the expected blow doesn’t come. Instead, Urgoth sighs.

“You think I don’t know dat? The problem is what boyz. Der’s not even two fists worth, and that counts da ‘ardboyz. I know we won’t find Dughoz but we’z wiped out, Durbok, my best mate is gone, and I don’t have no plan without a mob to fight with.”

Durbok blinks, a confused look one his face. “But boss, der’s lotsa boyz here. Dey’ve been coming ever since da fight. Da other bosses didn’t make it or moved on, so da ones left have been comin’ to our camp. We even ran into a couple out while searching for Dughoz dat decided to come here. Dey just need someone like you to boss them around.”

Urgoth looks around as if just noticing the camp beyond his fire. Orruks of every stripe inhabit the camp. Mostly ‘ardboyz and other small orruks, but even some brutes and a very small number of Kruleboyz. Many of them tend fires, while others drag carcasses from the river to cook. Most of them seem slightly listless, concerned only with survival in the lack of a fight or someone to tell them what to do. They seem such a sorry lot they’re barely even fighting eachother.

Urgoth suddenly jumps as if hit with a shock. After a few seconds a strange glow enters his eyes, odder still for having more of a blue tinge rather than a green one.

“Yeah, yeah. Not as much as we had, but not too far off. Need more big ones. More in general, too. Mob ‘em up and let ‘em figure out who the bosses are, or maybe make some of dem bosses and let them fight it out if another wants a go at bossin’. Gud for morale. I’ll start cracking some heads. Once that’s done we can start moving. I think onna Razgor’s boyz said they were all headin’ back towards da portal. We’ll go find him, gatherin’ any Orruks we find on the way. If anyone has a plan, it’s Razgor. He’s a kunnin’ one.

“I’ll need a day or two to organize things. Durbok, you will go back out one more time and gather up any boyz you find and bring ‘em here. Knock some heads if ya need to. You,” Urgoth points at a trio of nearby brutes, some of the rare Spookbusta survivors of the battle, “will help him, specially with the head knocking. Do what he says.”

The largest of the Brutes frowns. “Boss, we’z not following orders from any “ardb-“

Urgoths fist rockets into the Brute’s face, knocking him to the ground along with a number of his teeth.

“Dat wasn’t a request. Any more arguments?” The other Brutes remain silent. “Good, now get going.” The Brutes pick up their errant brethren and line up behind Durbok. The ‘Ardboy smiles.

“Good to have you back, Boss. Did you want dis to remember Dughoz?” Durbok holds out the choppa he found.

“Keep it. Dat’s your new boss choppa.”

Durbok’s eyes widen. “Boss?”

“Yeah, you gots a promoshun. You already earned it when you pulled Dughoz from dat spiky boy I fought. Den when I was too busy muckin’ about, you earned it again today by helpin’ me clear my head. Now head out”

The Ardboy raises his new choppa in something almost like a salute. “Sure thing, Boss. One more thing, some weedy git dat says he’s a shaman is looking for you.”

The Megaboss raises an eyebrow. “Shaman? Well, send him to me. He wants to talk, he can do it while I get workin’.”

“On it, Boss.” Durbok turns around to set out. That went much better he expected.

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.