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Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition

Realm Quests

The Rot Tunnels

Forces of Nurgle have been moving from the Sea into the Underground Caverns of Thondia. The Nurglite Forces flood the underground Caverns with the Salty Ghurish Waters. They bring vast armies into these tunnels. Alongside Nurgle corrupted Beasts, both terrestrial and...

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Welcome To The Inner Circle

With both Desraki and Scorntide Leadership panicking, dying or both, power vacuums  and leadership gaps have opened up. Other Foreign Chaos Armies may be invited to be the inner circles. Political Power and Land are given to these Armies in exchange for military...

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Taming The Beastmen

With the Weakening of both Khornates & Tzeentchians, the Beastmen tribes they once controlled are now rampaging. The Armies must either defeat these armies in battle, or ally with them in a tenuous friendship. Though both approaches must be aware, some of these...

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Appeal To The King

The Ghoul King Marrowblade holds court and hears the pleas and petitions of from various visitors from other courts. The Ghoul King sees most others as monsters, except for other Undead. The Undead can petition the King for aid in the war around the Drench, in...

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Ogors For Hire

The Ogors of the Ice Fangs don't fight for cheap, and with the Hellscorn War underway they had no qualms increasing their prices. The armies in the Drench can recruit these mercenaries, but it will cost more than just some gold. These Ogors want tracts of land within...

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Ghur Stories

Blue Lion Reemergence

Blue Lion Reemergence

They found the massive encampment out in the wilderness, far away from the frontlines of the Hellscorn war, or indeed, any fighting. Their movements, as their Corvus Cabalist scouts had reported, indicated their goal of leaving Thondia behind.Disillusioned, weary...

On the wings of love (and war)

On the wings of love (and war)

Day was coming to an end. Evening light of the Hysh shone weakly upon a ramshackle wooden platform in a small camp near the city of Crobus. A tall Desraki priest with an enormous axe was standing before his prisoner with a menacing grin. He then turned to the public...

Bought Hammers, wrought Scorn

Bought Hammers, wrought Scorn

Upon a safe spot on a cliffside overlooking the surrounding desert, a clandestine meeting took place. Under blood-red tents, Vardeshir the Solemn sat across representatives of one of the disgruntled mercenary companies the Desraki happened to not be able to afford any...

People, Armies, and Monsters From Ghur

Tzan the Stargazer

A merciless Ogroid Thaumaturge cult leader. He is master of a whole empire built to his exact whims in Ymetrica’s Saratrai Chasm.

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Aemlann Tidefury

Arch-Cleric Aemlann Tidefury was there when his Ancient Idoneth City fell, barely escaping with his life. He was vital for establishing the signature Fleshwarping Magic, and sent powerful Chaos Warriors to hunt for beings known as Twin-Forms to help fuel his experimentation on this field of magic. He sees Fleshwarping as a mirror to his dual faith in Tzeentch & Nurgle.

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Aurelio Thornmark

A Redcloak of immense prestige, Elder Aurelio Thornmark is the second son of the immortal Dio Thornmarker and the current oldest Thornmark.

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Valithek Scorntalon

Valithek Scorntalon, is a Curseling general who claims to be the direct son of Razistek Spireclaw. On his path of entitled cruelty across the plains of Gallet, he has summoned and wed one of Tzeentch’s beloved Pink Horrors, known as Azz’a’thinn’ithrax.

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Khaelokon Hellhammer

His preferred manifestation, when unable to fully take form, is to possess the corpse of a friendly but badly damaged warrior (preferably riddled with as many arrows as possible). 

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Locations in Ghur

New Khardihr

Once, there was a grand flying city named Khardihr, which fell over Rondhol during the events...

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