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Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition

Realm Quests

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Ghur Stories

Hope that will burn the Drench

Hope that will burn the Drench

In the gnarled, blackened trees around the clearing, Khornates hung from the thickest branches - the telltale sign of a Templar incursion into Desraki lands. In the midst of the clearing, people had been gathered, mostly humans, but of many races. They wore many scars...

Gifts among Friends

Gifts among Friends

Three Cathallars they were, those who were led into the cold mountain fortress, bound in cold, heavy chains pulsating with bluish magic, over a corridor of cold marble, to a throne artfully hewn from cold stone, and forced on their knees before the great, cold-hearted...

An Honest Proposal

An Honest Proposal

The broken nose, black eye and deep scratches along her cheek did nothing to diminish the expression of pride and self-righteousness in her face. The cup of tea before her was untouched. The Tzaangor Cleric on the opposite side of the table was on his third cup, and...

People, Armies, and Monsters From Ghur


Cunning, patient, long-finned bottom feeding amphibians that can grow as big as an auroch, or...

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Craven Klaw

After the events of the bleed and Clan Iron Klaw lucrative dealings with Company forces the ruling...

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Locations in Ghur


Illustration of Kroqstone gate by the incredible Munkao. Overview An excerpt is adapted from Saga...

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Leonine Arx

Ruined city originally built around the Leonine Arcway - portal to another part of Ghur.The city...

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