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Ghurneth of Packhome


The Ghurneth aelves of the Hungering Steppe have forged a connection with the primal energy of the Realm. Each clan associates itself with a beast of the Steppe and is granted telepathic and shapeshifting powers based on their totemic clan.

The proliferation of the Amber Stampede and the arrival of the settlers is upsetting the natural order of the Steppe and causing harm to the local wildlife.

The Ghurneth seek to reestablish the natural order and to prevent the outsiders from permanently corrupting their homeland and killing off the native fauna.

The clans of the Ghurneth are nomadic, following the movements of their totemic beasts. However, one clan stays permanently in the city of Packhome. The Huntmaster clan maintains the city in order to ensure the Ghurneth all have a home to return to.

Once an aelf is born, they are raised in Packhome and taught the ways of the clans. It is only as they become adult that they undergo a spiritual ritual wherein a spiritual beast will present itself to them. The form of this beast will dictate which clan the aelf joins.

Not all clans sit on the council as some have hundreds of members while others could have as few as a dozen. Some are created by a single member chosen to represent their totemic beast. While they identify as the Ghurneth, any race is welcome to join as long as they undergo the spiritual ritual to discover their totemic beast.


Huntmaster Sylai – Leader of the Council : The Great Weave


Plains of the Hungering Steppe : The Great Weave


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Path to Story


Packhome is a major faction within the Hungering Steppe. You can use them as allies or adversaries in your Path to Glory battles.

Recommended Armies to portray them as:

  • Lumineth Realmlords
  • Aelf-focused Cities of Sigmar
  • Vyrkos Dynasty Soulblight Gravelords
  • Any army with an emphasis on beasts

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