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Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition

Realm Quests

Nurgly Flesh Eaters

Nurgly Flesh Eaters

It is said in the mountains of Northern Verdia Nurgle-infested Flesh-eaters are developing the beinnings of a kingdom.

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Trade on the Green Ridge Pass

Within Northern Lustrare, it is Rumored that Clans Pestilence and Moulder work together on some plot to weaken trade along Green Ridge Pass to draw out the garrison of Taki’to. The Star Priest Xo’talac may be willing to hire mercenaries to scout the pass and bring back valuable information.

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The Sign of a Crow

Within Northern Lustrare, it has been reported by both the humans of Oscoda on the Huron Creek, skinks of Xlakana and the Slyvaneth of Arbor Vale that those who have gone out to collect berries and other food along Huron Creek and The Great Green Swamp sometimes do not come back. Wild animals were to blame at first, but no bodies have been found, only drag marks. Skaven are thought to be the cause after further investigation, but Skaven have never been known to make it this far into the valley. The Sign of a Crow has been found at least one site of a possible struggle, though strange claw marks have also been found.

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Ghyran Stories

Virulent Despair #1

The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the CrownVirulent Despair(Part 1 | Part 2)The men and women of the huntbands surged over the ruins, toppled columns and crumbled walls proving no impediment to the nimble hunter-warriors. With an almost aelven grace, they raced for the...

Family Reunion

The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the CrownFamily ReunionMatlalhuitl, the Saint of Yektiktlan, sat upon his Charming Throne — a construct of palest birchwood boards, intertwined with slender, flowering vines; an elegant tribute to the Everqueen’s grace — and regarded his...

Call for Reinforcements

Call for Reinforcements

Veyron Van Drën woke from his dream with a start, amidst cold sweats and chills, he swore he saw the shadow creature’s eyes in the corners of his room, but as the fog of sleep lifted, there was nothing to behold aside from an empty corner. Veyron had been residing at...

People, Armies, and Monsters Ghyran

Annan Lyre’s Death-Quest

Annan Lyre, the last child of Meargh Wizard-Queen Mana Myr, is here to claim sufficient Aqua Ghyranis to satiate his transformed mother’s unending hunger.

Black Fang Swarm-Legion Vanguard

Vanguard swarm of the Craven Klaw and his Black Fang Swarm-Legion under the orders of the council of 13 of clan Iron Klaw. Vanguard leadership is under Clawlord Vreek Spitefur Treacherous Saboteur of the Bubonicus Mines.

13th Crownthief Regiment

The “13th Crownthief Regiment” are scouring the Slidecrown Isles for resources they can take back to their new capital of Dzarak.

The Gaunt Horde

An abundance of life in realm of Ghyran left it’s denizens in an eternal state of turmoil against the restless dead…

Locations in Ghyran

The Roaming of Ghuryan

Laying between the realms of Ghur and Ghyran is the vast, mountainous steppes of Ghuryan. Woven of the meeting points between a thousand thousand hidden paths and places between the realms of Beast and Life, Ghuryan is a land of harsh contrasts, a blue-green sky...

Eversong Village

The Eversong village is a small Sylvaneth village that is also home to some Aelves, it has one road leading in and out of the village that also goes to the river. In the town itself, it has lodging for travellers and a small market area that many caravans stop at...

Blade-Tooth Mountains

Home to the feared Blade-Tooth Cougar, the mountains are unforgiving to even the most hardened of explorers and warriors alike. Covered in thick forest and roaring rapid filled rivers, the mountains contain abundant life as large antlered deer and elk strip bark and...

The Great Green Swamp

To the west of Tlacopan and south of the Blade-Tooth Mountains is the Great Green Swamp, a large body of water that covers nearly half of the western portion of the valley and which The Lustrare River via the Huron Creek empties. Multiple species of trees dot the...

The Evergrowth Plains

The Evergrowth Plains cover most of the southern reaches of the valley as well as parts of the northern region. Home to vast herds of Parasauradons, Giant Horses, Large Mammoths, and other creatures the plains are a great source of prey for predators such as Cold...

The Lustrare River

The Lustrare River is a long winding waterway that eventually empties into either The Great Green Swamp via the Huron Creek to the southwest or to the Sickling Sea to the southeast. Along its winding body shallow marshes bud off offering false hope of a safe place to...

City of Amasya

Northern Lustrare River Valley


The Vale of Efengie

The Lost Isle of Concendia