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Gifts from da Sewaz

Apr 21, 2022


Construction of the forward-base in Ghur has been a very steady ride. With the extra labour force of Hobgrots acquired in the initial invasion, the building of the crude castle has been fairly quiet. Gregek has indeed been a valuable asset to acquire, his skills with the whip and words has been enough to impress the Megaboss to be given a gift: a crudly mechanical beast in the guise of a Sludgeraker. They have been bragging about it whenever they can, but the boss doesn’t care, it’s mainly an experiment for his eventual tank of a beast, but that requires more resources and time. For now, he surveyed his ever-growing territory, soon to be an industrial wasteland of pure destructive progress. His mind wondered for a moment before being snapped out of his prideful trance by his advisor drone, Gorkpetto.
“Excuse me” He said with a dry tone, getting the boss’ attention as he turns to face the ever augmented shaman. Gorkpetto has been going through more experimental treatments, becoming more like Stovepipe with every battle, as is the plan to do with all the Orruks in his Waaagh! But again, this will take time and resources to do, so the Troggoths will take that slack for now. “Sorry to interrupt your ponderinz, but Gregek haz somethink to share wif ya.”
“Very well, bring the git to me!” Stovepipe said with his usuall echoy tone
“At once Mazta” With that, the Shaman headed off for a moment, coming back with Gregek and a slender looking human, who was draped in a dark cloak and had various vials of liquid along his person. “Gregek haz brought uz a little prezent, Mazta”

“Who iz diz weedy ‘umie, I know you’z a man-catcha, but they supposed to be dead afterwards. Explain yourself.”
“Ov course Boss” the lanky greenskin said with his usual raspy voice, “Diz ‘ere is Konn Vashvul Dune, ‘ez a Necromanca ‘e iz. Dey ‘ear’d ov your eva growin might and came t’ me for a little proposition.”

“Bah! Wot do I need a livin dead git for?! My force iz full of Orruks, not boney boyz!”

“Right you are boss! Dats why Konn ‘ere can elp us out. Ah! But where are me mannaz, why not give ya a little showing of wot dey can do” With that, the Necromancer looked over his shoulder, lifting a hand high and gesturing his hand-over behind him. Just then, the ground started to rumble with a parade of stomps. From behind the walls of construction walked over a group of Rockgut Troggoths, heading towards the group and seemingly in control of Konn. While animate and sluggish like their other kin, these Troggoths were clearly decaying. Massive slash wounds, rotting flesh, one of the group even look like they had been set on fire. These were no ordinary Troggs, they were zombified Troggoths. Stovepipe looked down at the necromancer as the human looked back at the Megaboss, lowering their hood to reveal their long raven hair, piercing red eyes and remarkably fair skin.

“I hear you have been using Troggoths for your forces.” She said with a fair tone, looking right at the boss with no fear in her eyes. “I have studied these foul creatures for most of my life, before my musing with the dark arts had taken me to richer prospects. Your Troggoths are strong and controlled, yes, but are still liable to dying in their mortal, coiled bodies. With my magics, your soldiers will work for you even in death. As you can clearly see with the Troggoths I bring with me today, a gift for your ever-growing conquest, fresh from the ever bustling city of Nassollotyl.”

Stovepipe pondered in suspicion and mild confusion. “Why youz doing diz ‘umie? Don’t youz lot got ova bone boyz to play wiff, wats in diz for you?”

“I am so glad you asked, but I don’t think you would care to hear of my full story. Gregek could keep quiet while I explained to him-”

“Yeah, sounds about right.”

“-But all you need to know is this: the people of this land are stupid and barbaric, focused on hunting for the next meal or living through another night. They live in a stagnated state, and I want to push these fools forward. No one pays attention to my suggestions or work, seeing it as indeed or uncivilized. I know that the other realms are no better off, also stuck in the ways of old, fearing progress. Yet you, a greenskin, can see that the world needs to be pushed forward. Your way of thinking is the way of the future, and I want to aid you in this path, even if it is a path of destruction.”

The Megaboss paused for a moment after Konn’s little speech before speaking up once more. “Youz a mouthy one, I see how you and Gregek got along so well. I getz da feeling we will also get along quite nicely.” He said with a toothy grin from under his helmet, Konn looking a bit giddy before clearing her own throat and bowing in servitude. “Now dat youz working for me, where did ya say you got dez Troggoths again? Kuz I’m thinking that we should give dem a little visit to see if dere are any more!” 

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.