The renowned Dragon Lady of the Roaming, Haldeburh Coldpath is one of the most storied of the Nomad Princes in the Roaming. This is in part due to her martial ability, which is certainly the equal of any warrior amidst Ghuryan, but it is due perhaps rather more to her bonded companion, the Dragon Drythgren. Dragons are uncommon in the plains of Ghuryan, but far from unheard of. To be bonded companion to a mortal, however, is rather more rare.
Haldeburh and Drythgren have never spoken of how they meet, nor how they swore the oaths that bind them, but one is hard pressed to get them to stop talking of their deeds since. Haldeburh is bombastic and boastful, and Drythgren is possessed of the same great ego of all his kind. To hear them tell, they’ve fought in every major battle in both Ghur and Ghyran since the coming of Sigmar’s Tempest, and been central to each victory. Beneath their bragging and myth-telling however, is a history of victory and success. Haldeburh is undoubtedly a talented warrior, and a canny tactician, and Drythgren is as ferocious as he is experienced, and their long partnership has taught each how to cover the other’s weaknesses, just as it has taught them to trust that the other will cover theirs. They plunge fearlessly into the thickest of combats, whether to lend their strength to a breakthrough, or to shore up a defence, that it might hold just that little bit longer. It is a style of warfare that is does not lack risk, and both Drythgren and Haldeburh bear scars. Haldeburh insists, of course, that her now lost leg only ever slowed her and Drythgren down.
Haldeburh and Drythgren have been sent to aid the Ghurite city of Nassolotyl, to help the Great Leap to Vurm-Tai, and to found a new city. The great distance between the godbeast city and the paths to Ghuryan have, however, meant that the pair have been able to take with them barely more than a token force. With Sigmar’s own luck, perhaps it shall be enough.