Vladan Lehr was not someone to be trifled with. The team had found themselves before the Mikronox, and knew in their bones that this was a quest that could not be unanswered, even if it was… peculiar.
And so the team had traveled the Realms again, with the help of the great magics granted to the Prince of the Ever-shadow. They had travelled through a portal, and yet come out the other side of a gate that most certainly did not go back to The Black Onyx. Regardless though, the team had a new goal, to retrieve the “greatest cupcake ever had” so that the Prince, a chosen lord of the underworld by Nagash himself could “taste that which no one had ever tasted”.
The gate had taken them to a bridge of floating crystal and rock, and after some climbing, they found themselves outside the blinding walls of Ar-Ennascath, capital city of Syar. The city looked the embodiment of Hysh itself, beautiful and glorious, it poured forth grandeur and elegance. The inside was no different, although it contained all manner of being, that spanned the economic spectrums, the city itself was clearly built by artisans of renown. The streets themselves, although winding had some manner of efficiency to them, and a mere thought of where they wanted to go allowed them walk in the right direction, without help or prior knowledge.
The team made their way to the The Hanging Athenaeum, a massive library built into a section of the mountain, formed of white marble, and pure blue quartz. It did not take them long to figure out how to ‘work’ the library either. The Lumineth who had built Ar-Ennascath, had realised that the section of rock acted as a magical nexus, the Hyshian winds of magic collecting there in great quantity. Those scholars used this knowledge to create a library that was able to respond to a visitor’s thoughts and desires. By implanting sections of the stone into the spines of books (and imbuing it with a spell), the team only needed to think of a problem, specific subject matter, or name of a book, and said book will float through the air, passing the hundreds of floating bookshelves, to present itself to the would-be reader. Librarians have even implanted the stone within their own skin, allowing researches, scholars, and other readers to call for a librarian with their mind only. And so, with a mere thought, the cupcake was there in front of them. In a glass encasing. a magical encasing that they could not seem to break….
After what seemed like an insane amount of attempts, crazy antics, and a fair amount of running, jumping, and tunneling, they had managed it. Additionally, Cerlana even managed to find herself possessing a whole bunch of newer cupcakes created by the original baker!
Now, to get it out of the city before it all went bad….

Khvath Slaveborn
A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.