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Hunter-Prime Ledrione Surefoot


When the Hedonites came to Ulgu and chanced upon Ledrione’s home town, they found her a simple teacher, giving lessons on flora and fauna. By the time that they had exhausted their cruel desires on her people, they left her a schoolmaster of ashes. With no one to give her knowledge to, Ledrione repurposed her knowledge for one purpose; war.

The first Hedonites fell to seemingly innocent causes; a foot placed in the wrong place and stepping on a poisonous thorn, a bed occupied by a venomous animal. Slowly, over time these attacks escalated in frequency and intensity, with the perpetrator’s identity completely anonymous; the Hedonites even began to believe that Ulgu itself was rising against them, for no mere mortal could wreak such havoc on them. Despair turned into paranoia and excess, and then further into solipsistic betrayal.

By the time Ledrione had slitted the throat of the last insensate Hedonite, they had already destroyed themselves. Her need for revenge sated, but knowing that more of their kind still plagued the Realms, Ledrione packed her equipment and books, and set out into the wider war.

Thus began Ledrione’s war against Chaos; one that was thoroughly planned and meticulously careful. Every clash was a learning experience, every new threat an opportunity for research. Ledrione’s determination to see her Realm freed of the Hedonites oppressors was tempered into unbreakable steel. If her body hadn’t failed her as she reached old age, she could very well have endured an endless war against the Hedonites. In the end, she was caught and shot with many arrows, the Slaaneshis too afraid of a trap to approach her, even hours after her death.

This worthy death earned her a place in Sigmar’s armies, as a demigod Stormcast in the Vanguard Auxiliary Chambers.

She approached her new role with the same diligence that she had shown in her mortal life. Unlike some of her fellow Star-Beckoners, she saw a propensity for daredevil heroics and high-stakes gambling as a weakness, not strength. If you must engage the enemy, she maintains, you must do so with a thorough collection of intelligence, a comprehensive plan to destroy them utterly, and the will to see it through. Anything less invites defeat and the prolonging of Chaos’ domination of the Realms.

This attitude makes it odd then that she has become Lord-Aquilor Karjeon‘s right hand woman. They could not be more different; Ledrione is humourless while Karjeon is rarely serious, she is meticulous while he takes daring action, she fights the long war while he goes for the decapitating blow.

Perhaps it is because of these differences that they work together so well, and not despite. They have recognised in each other considerable skill, simply expressed in different ways, and have worked on ensuring that they complement one another. They make an effective duo; as Karjeon jokes, “When I gamble, it’s only because Ledrione has rigged the game.”


Submitted by:

Thomas Bouric


Do not destroy without permission

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