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Huntmaster Sylai – Leader of the Council


Sylai does is not the official leader of the Ghurneth, but as the Huntmaster of the Denkeepers, he serves as the public face of the council.

After a battle with an Amber Beast, Sylai found himself permanently stuck with bestial aspects. Being trapped in this semi-transformed state has made the Huntmaster more feral and aggressive. Something that will go on to shape the politics of Packhome.

Ghurneth of Packhome : The Great Weave

Tenets of the Huntmaster:

  • Just as it takes a diversity of beasts to make an ecosystem, it takes a diversity of thought to make a society.
  • The independence of the clans makes us great; I merely guide us in our hunts.
  • Glory and respect can only be earned, it is not given out.

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Path to Story


Sylai is the leader of the Ghurneth Clans of Packhome. During the Hungering Path campaign, the Huntmaster will be able to provide rewards for those who swear to join his quests.

Do not destroy without permission

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