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Into The Dell

Not only has the Furyoth Dell been exposed after centuries of being hidden away, it’s also where known parts of the Xarlanth fell - possibly even the primary site. If the Dell was a curiosity to adventurers before, it is now irresistible to treasure seekers, explorers, and merchants throughout Rondhol. Additionally, it is clear to everyone that many of the Seraphon that survived the crash are now converging on the area in the hopes of finding parts of their lost ship.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

This Quest is part of the Revenge of Rondhol event.  There are three possible ways to participate in this Quest, though all of them are in the same general area – the edges of Furyoth Dell. Check out the Furyoth Dell location for suggestions for bespoke rules for playing here! Before playing your game(s) be sure to confirm what goal you’re going after, are you hunting for treasure, are you hoping to find a way into the Dell, or are you actively trying to divert or destroy the Seraphon? When commenting, be sure to make it clear who you’re fighting on behalf of, who you fought against, and the outcome of the confrontation.

- The Weaver -

Furyoth Dell was hidden away for centuries by the jungle and the shifting mountains, it is now exposed and connected to the wider realms by a convergence of realmgates in this region, leading to all over the Mortal Realms. Because of this, mortals throughout Ghur now have their eyes on this new exploratory zone. But getting into the Dell itself is no easy feat, groups usually find themselves entering the Dell by accident – through a realmgate they expected to transport them elsewhere. Those that do go out of their way to find a way deeper into the area need to do so by bending all their resources to the task, and as such, are not able to dedicate any time to finding the treasures that so many other groups are attempting to find.

Those that are attempting to find sections of the Xarlanth find the task tiresome indeed, coming across other hunters, creatures that would rather eat them then flee, or the land itself blocking their passage through the use of fog, river, or root.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

Participating in this Quest gives you an opportunity to succeed at one of two things:

  • You manage to find a way deeper into the Furyoth Dell
  • You find a small artefact from the Xarlanth

You succeed at either of these if you win in your respective game(s) In addition, anyone that includes the Seraphon from the Xarlanth will get additional influence and/or treasures.

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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2 years ago

A Bloody Introduction – The Iron Bloods descend into Rondhol, bound for skulls and resources to bolster Khorne’s forces. https://thegreatweave.com/a-bloody-introduction/

2 years ago

The Iron Bloods delved deeper into the Furyoth Dell in their quest to locate sections of Xarlanth and uncover its hidden Celestite. Along the way, the Bloodbound stumbled through the jungle into the first traces of the fallen temple city. So too did Ironjawz from Da Choppas as they emerged nearby to the crash site. The ensuing skirmish was fierce: warriors of the Blood God testing their metal against the scraps of the orruks. Several Bloodreavers failed Khorne this day, but Koabla Khai and his Blood Warriors proved their metal. They claimed many skulls in this battle, including the head of the Ironjawz’s leader whom Koabla chopped off. Irox and Lord Varon soon dispatched overconfident Brutes to secure more ruins, and soon, the surviving orruks fled, displeased by the outcome of the fighting. With the area secure, the Sigmarite scholar Larisa Melborn began her work identifying any possible ruins of Xarlanth or clues to its whereabouts.

2 years ago

The crashed Xarlanth is a potent lure, attracting more aggressive exploration of the Dell. The City of Khardir and the House of Vermilio in particular use their wealth and influence to contract bands for hire: the Lumineth Scarlet Crusade, led by Varian Inverse; the ghoulish court of The Wild Hunt and its huntmaster Ikor; and the souls of Recto’s Soul Snatchers. Also in the Furyoth are representatives of the Wrathful Land seeking to destroy what knowledge of benefit to civilisation can be found: Warboss Nonaym and his Buksmashas Too (2).

Reports of their deeds are sporadic once they enter the Dell, and when they do come in, paint only a vague picture. The Scarlet Crusade report a haunted site defended by a dragon; the Buksmashas gripe about spirits rescuing treasures and floating just out of reach. The Wild Hunt and the Soul Snatchers, however, report only a wealth of artefacts rescued from the jungle depths and not how they came by it.

(Small narrative Warcry game day/demo in the Furyoth Dell facilitated by me, with warbands and patron selection handled by the players themselves! Lumineth v FEC: FEC Major Victory. Ironjawz v Nighthaunt: Nighthaunt Minor Victory.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Lichcasts
Fizzy Biscuit
2 years ago

Gondrysdassnir has been couped up inside of his cavern lair building up his new home, while this is happening and he looses sanity to speaking with gargants news comes to him from his general.

He gets very angry. He finally comes out into the bigger picture of Rondhol as he starts by gathering his privateers and having them ravish the local megafauna to gain profit and prizes for his cooped up troops so he may rise the ranks of the council as profit is power, along with gargants now roaming the lands of the Anvilrgore Peaks patrolling in their own gargant ways.


Last edited 2 years ago by Fizzy Biscuit
Nuno Martins
2 years ago

The Joint Khardhirian Expedition into the Dell

The joint khardhirian team of the Inquisition and the Stormscale Covenant marched to the Furyoth Dell, crossing the mountains surrounding it to get there. They clashed there with none other than Azoth’s Realmgorger’s Steamwrought Chuglords, a clan of aqhsyan edgewalker ogors who had been blessed by the Realm of Fire. Belimir and the Hounds of the Inquisition last met them during the War in the Bleeding Wilds, where they stood with Ghalbakk’s Company in opposition to the Inquisition’s allies, the Underbough Sepulchre. 
The clash involved the use of both armies’ Incarnates of Beasts, and was a titanic battle.

The Expedition team travelled across several regions of the Dell, being significantly pushed back by wandering warbands and strange machinations that derailed their path.

They located the shattered Temple of the Storm within the Dell, with the Seraphon shiwreck lodged in its gate. They pushed an invading warband out to secure it.
comment image
The seraphon ship was found looted however, and no enemy army left behind as culprit.

Following tracks, the joint expedition is misled to a confrontation with another army who had apparently also being misled by trickery.
Calling a truce, the two armies exchange information and intel and get back on track, finally heading towards the agents of Chaos who looted the seraphon ship. Belimir gets progressively suspicious about the nature of the expedition and how they are being misled.
Their path is fraught and the forces allied with Captain Blackmaw push the joint expedition to the brink, barely able to hold on to the seraphon loot they had managed to acquire. After a retreat and a significant detour and recovery, they finally make it to the ruins indicated by their unlikely ally.

Here Belimir has a significant fallout with Keeper Zindimir, restraining him before heading to fight. But disaster struck in the form of Judge Voranul being kidnapped together with the Stormscales’ Lord-Arcanum, by the Rancho Terror warband, an aggressive group of beastmen and monster herders, led by powerful chaos champions.
The Inquisition and the Stormscales fought well, but suffered an infuriating defeat here. While Judge Voranul and the Stormscales’ Lord-Arcanum manage to escape, they did not secure the seraphon artefacts and lost their own loot.

The joint expedition now prepares to besiege the ruin, with more time and preparation.
You can read the full story of the expedition here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nuno Martins
2 years ago

The steel fangs declared a holy crusade leaves the gaping portal to hunt the forces of destruction that fled into the dell with a new with found zealotry and bloodlust inside the warriors of war band, and it’s new host of khorne demons fighting with anybody that doesn’t make way for them the steel fang will have fangs deep in their preys’ throat at the end of the hunt 

2 years ago

The Wrathful portion under Asarathu control Starts fortifications around the of remaining bits of Civilia’s Ruin and digging graves of the his men that dyed in the fighting before he was revealed of duty by general Agronā the axe sworn with orders to push to the dell and clear it of any foul sorcery and its users. “Yes madam I will leave with the hour and give you half the men under my control and take my best men into the dell” Asarathu salute the general and turns to leave “thank you captain you are dismissed, and I promoted you to the rank major effective immediately good hunting soldier”

Last edited 2 years ago by Kyleja97
2 years ago

In Search of Da Way In

A contingent of Spookbustaz led by Durbok Shroudcleava and the shaman Dethmuttera try to find their way into the Dell.


Last edited 2 years ago by Zim
2 years ago

After being at the center of two calamitous slaughters, one after the other, the Brashbriar Brood are now so much reduced in numbers that they have entirely given up on surviving this conflict. But they are determined to go out with a bang, not a whimper, so the small group of survivors make their way into the Dell, in search of the fallen Xarlanth and its seraphon owners, determined to make the lizards pay for their attack on the Gaping Portal.

Briars Sally Forth: The Great Weave

Lon Vagabond
2 years ago

Maemori leads the forces of Tira Gnok as they venture into the Dell, though she is less than happy about it.


2 years ago

Tana Twicesworn and The Emissaries of Forgelight, upon securing Civilia’s Ruin for Sorrah Nikos’s malevolent designs, enter Furyoth Dell at last to uncover more treasures and artifacts to further the power of The Dark Gods in Rondhol.

2 years ago

The Blazing Starfall arrives in the Dell, searching for lost segments of the Xarlanth and its survivors. https://thegreatweave.com/new-land-new-jungle/

2 years ago

After much longwinded, carefully worded correspondence, a new force enters the campaign in Rondhol.

Seeking to repay a debt to House Vermillio, as well as collect rare and valuable artefacts, the Lamastian Empire sends an expedition to bring industrialisation to the Furyoath dell.

Their first task, setting up a base camp, is interrupted when a group of Skaven – apparently fleeing from the area – burst through the clearing where the initial construction process is underway.

The expedition, made up mostly of Zharr-Lamastian Duardin and humans of the Hasloraxi Protectorate, offer no quarter – cutting down the fleeing ratmen. The few survivors are shackled and put to work on the creation of the camp.

Despite their best efforts, neither the Hasloraxi scouts nor the Hobgrot wolf riders could find anything in the local area to indicate what had worked the Skaven into such a panic. To counter the unknown threat, a large area of the local flora has been burnt away around the camp, and additional patrols tasked with safeguarding the construction site.

(The Lamastian Empire fought & won their first battle for House Vermillio vs a Skaven warband!)

Last edited 2 years ago by StarGrimWolf91
Fizzy Biscuit
2 years ago

Aegnor, Gondrysdassnir’s first and go too commander, has on orders of the master build himself a warband to trek deep into the Dell to find artefacts, and a specific one at that as this shall begin the journey to find an Engine of the Gods. Aegnor writes to his master detailing who has taken and how it has been, they finally arrive at a cliff face over seeing a valley introducing them into the dell as they trek into the valley… but something watches them from the shadows. https://thegreatweave.com/traveling-and-notetaking/

Thomas Bouric
2 years ago

Tcimmera awakes in the Dell after a disastrous attack in Civilia. Though fortune has carried her into the gloaming jungle, it is purpose that keeps her there.

Burning Templar
2 years ago

Meeting Expectations – an expedition of Templars of Our Burning Saviour led by Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate heads into Furyoth Dell. Driven by visions, the Archprophetess aims to head deeper into the Dell.
A Warcry game against Seraphon was played, which ended in a win for the Templars (mostly due to good luck)

2 years ago

After Razgor’s dissappearence after the final battle of the Gaping Portal, Big’ Un leads a small army to raid a skaven encampment, who they suspect took Razgor. They crush the skaven, until a verminlord is summoned and gives them some trouble. When they finally managed to deal with it, they search the camp for their leader, only to find out he escaped on his own and ventured deeper into the Dell. Now, Big ‘Un has sent Razgorz ‘Eadhuntaz to track down their boss and bring him home safely, whilst she tries to keep the warband together and in line.

(played a game against Skaven, won pretty convincingly after Big ‘Un got Supa Sneakied into their frontline and rolled a lot of 6s. Setup for Razgor being lost in the Dell and being tracked down by his Warcry warband, Razgorz ‘Eadhuntaz)

2 years ago

A Crusade of Blood – Angatoa Kravyads leads his self-styled Knights of the Charnel Order into the Dell with hopes of recovering powerful relics to advance his clan’s bloody crusade in the name of Khorne!

Reply to  Pesh
2 years ago

A powerful Seraphon cohort, led by no less than a Slann mage priest, attempts to intervene in the affairs of Angatoa and his blooded warband.

Mounted on fierce and fearless Juggernauts, the Knights of the Charnel Order are able to bring swift and bloody combat quickly to their unexpecting enemies, not only meting out a vicious toll of slaughter, but also capturing several sites believed to hold the relics they so dearly seek.

Angatoa takes it upon himself to cut down the Slaan as a point of pride, but the slippery Seraphon master teleports and heals at an alarming rate that not even the bloodthirsty minions of Khorne are able to bring him down before he escapes, using summoned allies to blunt the Charnel Order’s last few assaults.

Though undoubtedly a victory for Angatoa and his Knights, this last part of the battle leaves a bitter taste in their mouths and a yearning to spill more Seraphon blood!

2 years ago

Mercurio managed to convince noble Valerian Celesti to organise a tresure seeking expedition into Furyoth Dell with himself as an advisor. As usual, troubles found Mercurio very quickly. While exploring overgrown ruins, he got ambushed by Eshin assassins and heavily injured.
(I played a custom Warcry scenario using old pit fighting rules.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Arch-Warlock Rizzik
2 years ago

After barely surviving attack of assassins, Mercurio decided to continue the expedition. In the ruins of ancient city he discovered a column covered in strange runes and recklessly decided to decipher them. As usual it ended badly for him – he accidentaly summoned bunch of Bloodletters that atttacked him immediately. His team barely managed to escape but not before Mercurio got wounded by chaotic sword.
(Played another Warcry game. And lost again.)

2 years ago

With Mercurio unconscious, command over the expedition took aelven freeguild captain Virielle Stormwind. Her “rule” started equally badly – with a loss against the forces of local Sylvaneth. At this rate expedition will run out of commanders…
(Another game. Another loss.)

2 years ago

Hornath Realm-walker, a Field Analyst for the Skyrose Cartography Expedition, leads a mixed team of Inheritor Enclave aelven explorers, lumineth sages, and private security forces into the depths of the dell in search of the lost ruins of a lost aelven civilization lost with the dell countless centuries ago.
While the joint venture is operating under standard SRCE exploration protocols, the intelligence and funding for the voyage are both uncharacteristically vague. Soldiers and scientists both seem on board as the unlikely group of adventurers delves deep into the ancient tomb, gnawed by rivers and time.

Last edited 2 years ago by TectonicDan