The ruins of a village, ringed in a channel lined in rock salt with iron inlaid into it. The kind used to lay a protective ward from daemons and Chaos corruption, but this one dug purposefully and made to last. Even tectonic upheavals, it seems, though this one is twisted and bent in places (but not broken). Several huts in the village have tainted chaos knick-knacks in them, detectable by diviners and magic-sniffers for miles around.
One source in particular registers a very powerful presence, a daemon lord of some sort, possibly bound somewhere. The whole place seems shrouded in mystery, and suspiciously empty.
After a long, arduous trek and deadly ambushes laid by the Xarlanthian Seraphon and their wanderer allies (Warcry Templar defeat), a heavily injured Templar Captain Areshtur and the remnants of his warriors and their Shaman arrived at the Ironsalt village. They searched the village from top to bottom for information and artifacts, and finally, the Shaman began the ritual to commune with the demonic entity, as the Archprophetess had ordered.