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Jyrrud da Wizzgit

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Jyrrud da Wizzgit

As a Madcap Shaman, Jyrrud SHOULD be working closely with Skragrott da Loonking… except that Jyrrud thinks da Loonking is nuts. He has come to the valley to HIDE from Skragrott, as the Loonking is gathering anyone who has visions…


At the moment, he hides somewhat openly in the valley. The Seraphon know he is there, but since he’s ONE GROT, they don’t really care. He isn’t trying to kill anyone, he collects mushrooms, makes herbal compounds, and occasionally does fortunetelling. He’s a grumpy old grot who thinks da Loonking is crazy and wants nothing to do with him. He would rather spend his day collecting mushrooms, smoking squigweed from his pipe, and talking to da troggoths under the Eastern mountains.

Once upon a time, Skragrott da Loonking began gathering up anyone having visions in order to better anticipate what the Bad Moon was doing. Lucky for Jyrrud, he caught wind of this LONG before da Loonking got to his home, giving him time to RUN AWAY. Alas, Jyrrud’s abilities as a soothsayer and fortuneteller place him squarely into the category of gits that da Loonking is trying to collect!


Given a choice between getting caught and running, he chose to run. His skills as a fortuneteller and herbalist have kept him alive and given him some ability to trade with others as he travels the realms, keeping him supplied with food and not being killed by everything bigger than him.


On his way to the Valley, he had to detour through some caves near the Eastern edge, and wound up running into some Troggoths. He is loosely allied with them, giving their Troggboss advice and the occasional bowl of mushroom soup.


Once he reached the Valley, he found he couldn’t run anymore. Jyrrud is kind of trapped in the Valley. Skragrott’s minions are searching for him, the Skaven closed off the routes he used to get TO the valley, and while he’s still safe in the Troggoth caves, he can’t really leave. Still, there are worse places to be trapped. He talks to the Skinks sometimes – cautiously, since he doesn’t know what they’ll do – and hides from the Saurus and most dinosaurs. He distrusts the Skaven, is tolerated by the Sylvaneth ONLY because they consider him to be harmless, and trades herbal remedies and tells fortunes for the occasional human that seeks him out

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