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Khokatch Blazeheart


Khokatch Blazeheart was born in the island kingdom of Aoga in realm of Chamon to King Drazoand VII and Queen Bodinca their first child of nine was born 8th day of The festival of eight paths twenty five years ago.

At the age of five he was sent to his uncle Bakan the dragons heart kingdom of  Yosal in the realm of hysh for a education in all fields of study he mastered all of it by age of seven and helped Bakan the dragons heart to expand his kingdom to five times it size before he returned to his home land for his naming ceremony.

He led his first army at the age of ten in campaign to conquer the islands of din and  joth before invading the main land of The prosperis after arriving he began to build the capital city of Zatart preparing plans for the upcoming war And to get a reliable supply line that he could use to feed his troops and arm them with Weapons and armour .

it  took many years to finally get the region under his fathers banner He returned back to Aoga capital city of nesa to inform the father of his success and tales of glory but on arriving  back  home that his father has died that he is to be crown the king  Blazeheart the first aged thirteen.

He  stated to implement  upgrades  to city  starting with  building  better defences network then began to work on new houses and temple to the gods the time it took to five years to finish all construction projects he had in mind and then began to setup better training programme for his  army this took much needed time to complete.

The king gathers up the army before marching to conquer more lands for glory of the gods setting his mind to task Was not easy feat the foe before him was well trained and effective fighting force but he was not going to fail to beat them  because he had faith in his tactics and will of The gods on his side.

The campaign against king Cernunnos the going to be a lot longer than expected because the foe had a powerful sorcerer on there side but it the victory always the outcome he knew that but it still annoying to waste time and resources on but alas it was what to happen for it be a successful war.

The citizen growing tired of The siege of Tota turned on the king Cernunnos for not leading a army to repel the troops that are lying siege to the city.

Their king  was busy engaging  in hedonistic pleasures to fight a war so the population of tota led a  successful rebellion against him in which they had captured the palace and now control the whole city  king had to escape together with his most loyal vessels to the kingdom of Hochizec in realm of Hysh .

The gates were open to let army of  Blaze heart March into claim the city he did not want to drawn into a trap So king called a meeting with his closest advisors and the kingdom’s greatest seers seeking help with what to do with the land that he now had claimed over wether not to burn the city’s that where loyal to king  Cernunnos and put it’s people to the blade or let them live under his rule with possible rebellion being lead by Cernunnos loyalists.

After many days the king had made his mind up with the choice was not easy to make but it was the safest option in his mind was to raze the city’s to ground and purging the citizens one by one until  body’s of the kingdoms former opacities it could be mistaken for small mountains then set it was aflame with witch fire completely  annihilation of a rival kingdom in matter of  moments.

Now that time had past And several victories later He now has a kingdom that increased in six times it size in the short time that he has been in charge of kingdom with starting with take over from the former king Drazoand VII.

He now was ruling a kingdom in peace times

Other than driving of raiders and bandits there where no wars to worry him and not have constantly make repairs to city’s that was until his brother Tarkyr Ebonblaze led a rebellion against him.

Tarkyr rebellion was to  be ended before it became a threat the two brothers were in the fighting pit weapons in there hands to sort it out issues the winner was the one in right.

King Khokatch Blaze heart dressed grey robes with sword and shield  and brothers where robes of a priest white with gold accent Carried a war hammer asked his brother as why he was leading a army against him Tarkyr replied that your are hectic and divided your faith favouring dark gods over sigmar divine light .

Tarkyr swing his hammer at his brother chest the king block the blow with his shield calm asked who was spending this lies about him to which his swing the hammer at his head of the king which the he dodged the blow

tarkyr spoke the name of The traitor and that he does own investigation of matter located evidence of the king’s trason.

For the first time in this fight the king swings his sword bite deep into his brothers check the king spoke with anger in his voice tell me why brother you believe the lies of a traitor who wishes me have killed to  take the Kingdom that father had granted my birthright to rule it I didn’t want to strike you down brother. There is chance forgive you if stop this madness Gwydion that traitor will have die but for now I have to sort this matter with my brother.

King Khokatch Blaze heart dressed grey robes with sword and shield  and brothers where robes of a priest white with gold accent Carried a war hammer asked his brother as why he was leading a army against him Tarkyr replied that your are hectic and divided your faith favouring dark gods over sigmar divine light .

Tarkyr swing his hammer at his brother chest the king block the blow with his shield calm asked who was spending this lies about him to which his swing the hammer at his head of the king which the he dodged the blow

Tarsyk spoke the name of The traitor and that he does own investigation of matter located evidence of the king’s trason.

For the first time in this fight the king swings his sword bite deep into his brothers check the king spoke with anger in his voice tell me why brother you believe the lies of a traitor who wishes me have killed to  take the Kingdom that was my birthright to rule it I didn’t want to strike you down brother there is chance forgive you if stop this madness.

Tarkyr replied that he was going to smash your skull in and drop the act traitor and lies

For I will not back down from this fight the younger brother’s  hammer strike the older one in gut in return the king had stabbed him in the left arm piercing though to the bone Tarkyr screamed in angry and pain fall to his knees King spoke to his brother I’m sorry I have to do this you made your choice this the younger brother rose to his feet

The champion of body guards was man named Strukzuk Plaguegazer in a wet Chortling voice spoke to his man protect the king with lives for it is the will Baaris himself the Seven of kings bodyguards had arrived at the fighting pit jumping into do their duty to the king they were marked by corrupt battle plate in the colours of the house Blazeheart . They where Enormous, bloated warriors, the bodyguards are mortal servants of their god these rotting murderers lumber into battle with their toxins dripping from every single open sore of a shockingly deceptive speed, they wield scythes, mauls, axes and flails with a skill that belies their form.

Tarkyr was now surrounded by chaos worship uttered a prayer to sigmar for the power to strike down the unclean heretic in front of him grabs his hammer and  lighting arc from the head of hammer as sigmar answered his prayer each stroke was too fast the warriors could react in to stop  smashing in skulls Guards in way of killing his brother with each kill taskyr  prayers death to the hectics and false kings where becoming louder  only the Strukzuk and the  King remain alive.

Strukzuk Plaguegazer charged taskyr with scythe raised screamed to his gif that he will show this traitor the true faith if not he could not his death still grow the garden of Baaris swigging the back of scythe down on the sigmar priest catching him in mid rift breaking bones sweeping him off his feet crashed into the ground he managed to dodge the next four blows rose to his feet parrying a strike that was going to server his head taskyr  continued the motion of his war hammer catching his opponent in the chest.Buckling the Armor of warrior ending the fight only the king was left to kill.

A fierce clash of blows from both brothers cracked their weapons and them broke into thousand pieces dropped to the ground then the fighting with bare hands Tarkyr  was winning the fight until the king counters  the onslaught of strikes with a throw into the floor and beings to pummel his brother to until he could  end it when the king snapped

Tarkyr neck at the moment of death Sigmar called him upon to anvil of anvil of apotheosis to reforged to the lord celestant Tarkyr Ebonblaze.

Upon the death of his brother king  Blaze heart weeper in silence cursing the gods and swearing vengeance towards the traitors gathered up his loyal supporters to begin to purge people that he thought where loyal to Gwydion when king captured the traitors he mercy killed their family and friends in front of them locked then in prison cell until the day that die then king hung up bodies of their family’s outside of cells windows show them punishment for their treason against the king.

For one year after the king was quick to hunt down any possible traitors and execute them In fit of despair at the lose of his brother taskyr for a death the king could not control after  several more years he now excepted what happened was able to lead his people again.

Multiple times chaos war bands tried to sack the city of nesa but were repelled back by the king well trained army until day archon the ever chosen Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse personnel led the invasion force .

King Army held out for  four years could but hold any longer due to their supplies running out they did not go out with a fighting for inch of ground costing archon more men power and resources Then he was comfortable with losing.

King Khokatch was given the option live as possible Varanguard in archon service it die a stubborn king let his people die for him in the end chose to serve to keep his people safe.

Give his  war band a name was to cement their new loyalty to ever chosen they now known as The Hammers of Ever chosen.The first mission he  was assigned was head to realm of beast with mission from archon the ever chosen to subjugate the local tribe in service to ever chosen will it happen to be the purple Serpent was the first to be attacked take out the largest tribe first in hope that small one would not point fighting back against him.

Her aim was to take the head of enemy commander head brawen was leading form the front troops for first time in years was going to be a challenge but she had faith in her ability to fight with one quick battle cry the purple serpent was in melee combat with enemy army she found a path towards the king and did not stop until they’re duelling one on one.

Their duel lasted for sixty six hours because both fighters were equal skill brawen was using her pure savage against the well dispelled swordsman ship of her opponent ending with king Blaze heart  quick stab to the gut bloodied but still standing brawen slashed out with End bringer against the  shoulder of king only go small  gap  in his armour the knife bites deep into flesh.

King had his fun now was for duty he kick brawen in the stomach send back so that he swings his sword blade to finish the job but brawen surrender before blade could be swing.

Brawen spoke to the king Upon rules  of my tribe you are to be my husband only then will I fully give up on this fight the king had come to respect his opponent as great warrior and queen also spotted chance to end the fighting with out further losses on both so he said yes to the offer of marriage.

It was short wedding ceremony that last six days and nights before both of them set out on a conquest of the small tribes absorbing them one by one until the purple Serpent where only ones that was left.

Brawen went off on one of the famous hunts at Nasson and Neolotl, so he set up an outpost called Fort Dagger peak  to wait for his wife from her hunt at the twin cities of Nasson and Neolotl cities. He was training the fresh troops in the art of war  four months past until Browen returned with a bear which she claims is a wedding gift that she found on the way back from the hunt.

King blaze hearts rides the great bear that his wife steals from Vorgur Boarfrenzy. During her escape from the rift with it, she named the bear Olivier.



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