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Khrovar Blackmaw

The infamous Captain of the Bloodsunderer, with teeth stained black like the dark of a Bloodletter’s blade. They say his words are just as fiery as the forges of The Brass Citadel. He has some features akin to a Flesh Hound, including dark frills around his neck (these give him the local nickname “Darkfrills”) and a keen nose for treachery.

Submitted by:

The Weaver


Captain Blackmaw is a primary figure in Revenge of Rondhol. Do not kill without permission please.

Captain Blackmaw is a skilled hunter of both men and beast upon the waves and not one to be crossed. He admires, values, and covets loyalty, after being betrayed by his crewmates prior to his corruption by Khorne. While Khrovar himself is marked by Khorne, his crew consists of followers of all the Dark Gods. So long as none cross or betray him, Captain Blackmaw welcomes all aboard his ship.

Khrovar was once the member of a fishing vessel, tasked with hunting the megafauna in and around The Svlind to contribute to the islands’ many valuable exports. After being blamed for the death of his captain’s first mate in combat with a hunted beast, Khrovar was keelhauled, his blood spilling into the water. Khorne called to him in that moment and offered Khrovar the power to prove his innocence, to show that he didn’t need to resort to deception to dispose of anyone troublesome to him. Upon being pulled back upon the ship, Khrovar unleashed his rage, tearing out the throat of one of his captors with just his teeth. The crew fell upon Khrovar, but he did not yield. After seven others were killed, the crew could see the omens around them and swore loyalty to Khrovar as their new captain.

Mutinies against Captain Blackmaw have occurred since his rise to power, but none has ever succeeded, nor has any mutineer survived for long. Khrovar remains distant as a result of his trust being betrayed too many times, but it always willing to handsomely reward those who work with him in hopes that perhaps one day, he’ll earn the loyalty and admiration of his crew he’s always desired. Until then, he roams The Svlind, poaching megafauna as he once did, ransacking trade vessels, and occasionally pillaging port towns.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...