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King Elrog of the Towering Court


The Court of the Fangwood was ruled by a noble King suffering through the curse of the Flesh Eaters. As a roving Mega-Gargant threatened his people, the King rode out to vanquish the foe. He was eaten immediately.

Now, King Elrog the God Titan sees himself as the King reborn as a towering behemoth. The delusions of the ghoul king now courses through the Mega-Gargant. 

Sitting on his throne chiseled into a cliff wall, Elrog sends his knights on great quests in hopes of expanding his kingdom beyond the Steppe.

The Towering Court : The Great Weave

King Elrog’s Tenets:

  • It is the purpose of the mighty to prey upon the weak.
  • To fight with honor is great, to die with honor is greater.
  • Words are as weightless as air. Only actions deserve to be respected.

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Path to Story


King Elrog is the leader of the Towering Court. During the Hungering Path campaign, King Elrog will be able to provide rewards for those who swear to join his quests.

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