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Konn Vashvul Dune

All paths of destruction are pathed with good intentions...on the surface of greenskins.

Konn Vashvul Dune-49b2d06d

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Konn Vashvul Dune, daughter of the Dune Family, grew up in a wealthy household. From a young age she knew only luxury and was tended to every day, be it from her over loving parents or the countless maids, she had it all. However, the wealth from her family was not from noble means. Her father was well known for trading goods, weapons and on occasion people to dubious forces for extortionate prices. While he was a good businessman, he was a cocky man who would claim that his goods were of the best quality and worth every copper. This would bite him when Konn was seven years of age, as his latest shipment was not only dysfunctional, but cost the lives of several of the clients. This led the remaining goons to return the favour and were tasked to kill off all the Dunes. While the two parents and all the staff were killed in a break in and burning down of the estate, Konn survived thanks to the aid of a mysterious assassin who finished off the assalients and took her to safety.

Now an orphan, homeless and broke, she was raised in a public orphanage and bounced through various foster homes during her teenage years. The events of her parent’s deaths made her isolated and emotionally unstable. She found that one way for her to handle her grief was through study, and she studied hard. As she had no real social life and no fixed home, she managed to study on all manner of academics. Maths, geography, sciences and politics, she learnt them all. She even learnt a lot of the various monstrous creatures and  By the time she was of age to live alone, she decided to further her knowledge by becoming a wizard, as she did come from a magically inclined family. In fact, she was welcomed with opened arms given her family’s lineage.

While she was maturing as both a magic user and a woman, in the years in the magic academy where she resided, her mind would wonder to her past hardships. She had everything at the palm of her hand and fate yanked it away. As she grew older, her mind was starting to break down, as she saw no one smart or able enough to help her with her traumas or struggles. This would eventually see her getting kicked out of the mage scholarship as she was being too old to those around her and the tutors saw only vengeance in her eyes. Not wanting to give up on getting a life back for herself, she started to look into darker arts and powers. 

It would not be long that she would eventually become a necromancer, able to raise the dead with ease. She did think that she could raise her family from the grave, but could not bare with the thought of them being nothing but mindless puppets. Besides, with this power it was frivolous to raise human corpses, she wanted a challenge. So she began raising larger specimens, such as Troggoths and Rhinox on the outskirts of society. Yet with this ever-growing power, she could only feel pity for those around her. She saw them blind to the ills of the realms, focused on keeping status quo and never evolving beyond mundane activity. Maybe it was her warped mind or emotional trauma thinking this, but one thing was set on her mind: she wanted the Realms to move on, even if it meant everyone was to suffer as she did. They must all feel her pain in order to better themselves. If only there was an imenent threat to help her out with this cause…

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.