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Kralt Gemeye

Kralt Gemeye

Known Facts: A Warlock Bombardier who commands a ragged band of survivors from a Ulgu-related disaster he refuses to talk about; their numbers are mostly composed of engineer acolytes, but a trio of stormfiends, a doomwheel. and a few weapon teams all remain functional. His soldiers wield bizarre firearms of unknown origin that use Warpstone as a power source, but he has started fuelling them with Aetherquartz out of necessity, a decision that has altered their behaviour into becoming more orderly and secretive. 

Description: A leanly muscled, twitchy rat, never seen without a suit of enchanted armour and a pair of homemade thermal vision goggles. By Skaven standards he is relatively young, on the cusp of middle age, and his face and hands are heavy with burn scars. His above average height and black fur mark him as being descended from Stormvermin stock, but his aptitude for repairing circuitry and manipulative streak lead him to join the engineers instead. 

Personality: Curious, boastful, and good at improvising, with a cautious streak that leads him to double check each stage of a plan for weaknesses before commiting. Has a habit of both encouraging and taunting his apprentices to improve their skills, while playing them against each other to keep them from overthrowing him. He is surprisingly open-minded for a Skaven, caring little for who funds his research. Elf-thing, Ghost-thing, Ogre-thing, he'll work for anyone who can afford his services. 

Current Status: He is currently based in an abandoned black fortress of unknown origin in the Neonwood Wetlands in Ulgu, where his forces regularly skirmish for resources against the local Unmade and Coalesced, but the recent arrival of a Dawnbringer Crusade threatens to upset the balance of power. 

His main source of income is mercenary work, hiring his clan out as scouts or a security force to the highest bidder. He seeks to maintain whatever alliances he can find, and refuses to break a contract unless his life is threatened.


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Kralt was once just another engineer of the Clans Skryre, only set apart from the countless others as the ruler of Clan Refrakd, but all of that changed when his forces joined the Satrap War. A shortage of Warpstone forced him to use Aetherquartz as substitute fuel, and the exposure to the orderly realmstone caused a dramatic shift in his soldier’s behaviour, making them less aggressive and more social; increasing their survivability in battle and decreasing violent arguments. This has sparked an obsession, and now he seeks to study what his minions are becoming, believing that he can change what it means to be Skaven and unlock the true potential of his species without Warpstone’s corruptive influence. But the Council of 13 view his ambitions as madness and depravity, and he must constantly fight to avoid their grasp if he is to survive, let alone succeed.

He is currently based in an abandoned black fortress of unknown origin in the Neonwood Wetlands in Ulgu, where his forces regularly skirmish for resources against the local Unmade and Coalesced, but the recent arrival of a Dawnbringer Crusade threatens to upset the balance of power.

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