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Illustration of Kroqstone gate by the incredible Munkao.


An excerpt is adapted from Saga Bugmansbur‘s travelogue, The Angankoria Expedition, published in Barak-Hirn:

The umgi call it the Angankorian Kingdom, but in old Khazalid “Ang Ankor” also means the Iron Domain. The connection is clearer upon realising the city of Kroqstone rests nestled amongst ruins of both duardin and human make, and that all are claimed to simply be “Angankoria” despite their differences. What makes them similar is a shared infestation of dangerous demon idols and Chaos worshippers. The issue of delineation is made worse by the further fact that the people of Kroqstone have not seen duardin in the area for many centuries; our vanished local kin are only remembered here as the origin of the local beverage: tuak, or “palm ale”.

Kroqstone itself is mostly umgi, partly elgi, and wholly devoted to hulking seraphon who live in a central waterlogged five-ziggurat temple made of green scale-like stone. Most inhabitants live in stilt-houses made of teak and palm and built on the bones of a drowned city of white stone stained by algae. Little watercraft convey people through the canals, save for hard-faced elgi on their reptilian steeds and kroxigor who glide through the water and keep at bay Ghur’s predators with their vigilant presence.

Locals say the god of the green temple is Sobuaya the Deliverer, god or godbeast of war and serpents, whose sacred kroxigor and reptile children have protected Kroqstone through the Age of Chaos. The procelytisers celebrate sightings of The Twin Tailed Comet – which they call “The Forked Tongue of Sobuaya” – as heralding his rise against Chaos, whom he shall swallow and digest. The Cult of the Deliverer is the most popular religion in Kroqstone, linked entirely to their continued survival.

A result of long-isolation, the Cult decrees that outsiders cannot spend nights ashore unless they are welcomed by the kroxigor, who administer a test. Kroxigors pull visitors under the water and hold them there for the cleansing river to wash over and make its judgment. It is said that followers of Chaos drown in the vice grip of Sobuaya’s children. All who survive can stay in the city past dark or even make a home there as citizen.

A little downstream is a duardin statue of ancient Angankoria, or Ang Ankor; its basalt beard, nose, and forehead break the water’s surface. Tea shops and lodging houses are built on ramshackle platforms. A small dock is perpetually crowded with boats and noisy merchants. Visitors may choose to stay here instead and many, a surprising number elgi, do.

Recently, the seraphon have told the people that the waters will keep rising more rapidly and that the people must relocate to higher ground, either to the forests or the volcanos. The kroxigors will not follow, but claim that Sobuaya will send new protectors for a new city and that any who stay will not survive. It is a difficult time for the faithful: they make ready, but mourn and call these the Final Days of Kroqstone.


The Ten Duties: the ruling council of Kroqstone, comprised of the chieftains of the ten major tribes. Each pursues their own agenda.

The Cult of the Deliverer: a religious order devoted to Sobuaya, god of war and serpents, represented in the heavens by the Twin Tailed Comet.

Deathrollers: the local freeguild military, adept at amphibious assault tactics, supported heavily by kroxigors from the seraphon temple.

Persons of Interest:

Buayang Kamhut: a human representative in service to the Seat of Sila, one of the Ten Duties. In the Seat’s name, he is a patron of several scouting missions into the dangerous wilderness of the Sundered Lands.

Aymar-Sar: a kroxigar too old and injured by the demon idols to fight. He buys books and artifacts from the ruins to lock away and destroy in his underwater vault.

Ellaloth: an aelf corsair whose ship is moored at port. She comes from Excelsis and speaks openly against “Stormcast protection” to any who buy her a round of tuak.

Wiryono: a human water merchant interested in acquiring Aqua Ghyranis. As the rising river water turns saltier, speculative fresh water futures grow.


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Do not destroy without permission; you can mention or use Kroqstone and persons of Kroqstone as NPCs for your Soulbound games or other works, but do not make any changes to their lore. In case you want to make a character a part of this free city and listed on the page, message me on discord: Crownary#9387
Soulbound Doom Level: 5

Warcry Twist Rules:

Murky Swampland

Weeks of endless rain has turned these lands into a thick and squelching quagmire.

If a fighter begins a move action on the battlefield floor, subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of that fighter until the end of that move action. This does not affect fighters with the Fly runemark

Realm Rules:

River Passes

This location is divided by a network of treacherous rivers, and stable crossings are of significant value. Choose from the following based on your own table layout

Stable River Pass: If your general issues the At the Double command, your general can issue the same command a second time in that phase without a command point being spent.

Broken Pass: Enemy units cannot issue or receive the At the Double command in the first battle round


Do not destroy without permission; you can mention or use Kroqstone and persons of Kroqstone as NPCs for your Soulbound games or other works, but do not make any changes to their lore. In case you want to make a character a part of this free city and listed on the page, message me on discord: Crownary#9387
Soulbound Doom Level: 5

Warcry Twists:

Murky Swampland

Weeks of endless rain has turned these lands into a thick and squelching quagmire.

If a fighter begins a move action on the battlefield floor, subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of that fighter until the end of that move action. This does not affect fighters with the Fly runemark

Region of War Rules:

River Passes

This location is divided by a network of treacherous rivers, and stable crossings are of significant value. Choose from the following based on your own table layout

Stable River Pass: If your general issues the At the Double command, your general can issue the same command a second time in that phase without a command point being spent.

Broken Pass: Enemy units cannot issue or receive the At the Double command in the first battle round

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