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Lady Emmanuelle Valencourt

Lady Emmanuelle Valencourt - The narcissistic Vampire on her coven throne has been summoned to the interstice in aid of Lady Katrina Valencourt in the name of the Kastelai bloodline. 


Submitted by:

Dave Barden


Do not destroy without permission

It’s only on very rare occasions will the Valencourt bloodline call on the services of Lady Emmanuelle Valencourt and her loyal handmaidens.  Some say this is because only under dire circumstances do they need the immense magical power she can bring with the gore filled Scrying pool Emmanuelle carrys with her on her Coven Throne.  Other, more careless beings will say it’s because of her extremely narcissistic attitude that other Vampires of the bloodline detest.

However, following the recent war in the interstice Lady Katrina has requested the aid from Lady Emmanuelle in the upcoming battles ahead.  Her ability to bolster Katrina’s already impressive Blood Knights could indeed turn the tide of any upcoming battle.

Never one to shy away from a chance to prove her dominance on the battlefield Lady Emmanuelle, perched atop her decadent Coven Throne pulled by once proud knights turned ghostly slaves, makes her way to Castle Valencourt flanked by her personal retinue of Blood Knights who in turn are flanked by an immense horde of Skeletons.  

“Yes…. My Scrying Pool is showing some very interesting times in the near future….. very interesting”

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