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Lady Maemori

Lady of the court of Tira Gnok, blood soaked aristocrat and manipulator of men.


Submitted by:

Lon Vagabond


Do not destroy without permission


Maemori possesses the arrogance and ego of one born into riches. Death, and the fall of her city, has  not changed that.. Hidden beneath her vain facade, however, is a dark and deadly cunning., her enjoyment of wine and revelry shrouding her sharp intelligence .

She cares little for the goal of restoring her lost city or protecting its people. Her driving motivation,, to find ways to entertain herself with games of power and wits, now that the grand parties and politics of old are gone.. 

Capricious and indulgent, she has a habit of following her whims and has shown only passing respect for authority. Though she is almost always able to accomplish any given task, this attitude quickly frustrates those who work alongside her.


Born into one of Tira Gnok’s most affluent aristocratic families, Maemori led a pampered life of luxury growing up. 

As the second child, but only daughter, she found she was given tremendous amounts of leeway and took full advantage.. Frequenting high class banquets and balls, as well as lower profile, exclusive events, she gained a reputation as a socialite and  partier, a lover of wine and gossip.

Despite her spoiled persona, Maemori was perspective and intelligent, building contacts and secrets as she moved around the city’s elite.. With a single whisper in the right ear she destroyed reputations and ruined families, often over petty slights or merely for amusement.

Her knowledge of Tira Gnok’s secrets led her to the soublight cults and she eagerly embraced their power as another advantage in her games of power. So it was that when Tira Gnok fell, she survived, holding onto and building upon her place as one of the city’s elites.

In the aftermath of the fall, Maemori found herself bored more than anything and found some measure of enjoyment in the Elanor’s cause as the young leader struggled to rebuild. 

Quickly growing bored of the dreary, half empty ruins of Tira Gnok, Maemori often volunteered for tasks abroad, eager to find new places and players for her games.

Currently she travels with Elanor Fordreth as part of the Tiran-Khard Expeidition to Rondhol

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.