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Lady Persephone Valencourt

Lady Persephone Valencourt - arguably one of the most Beautiful of the Kastelai Vampires who shares a striking resemblance to an ancient vampire of old, answers the call from Lady Katrina to join her in the interstice.  


Submitted by:

Dave Barden


Do not destroy without permission

Lady Persephone Valencourt is as beautiful as Lady Katrina used to be before she turned into the monstrous Vengorian.   Persephone always turns up to battle looking her finest, with pristine armour fresh grave roses adoring her clothes and armour, her porcelain perfect features and finely fashioned hair.  Many a foolish mortal has fallen for her beauty and attempted to romance her, they  either die in seconds to feed her or even worse her undead minions, or turned into a thrall if she deems them useful.

Many ancient Vampires some who are rumoured to have roamed the world that was, can’t help but notice a stark similarity between Persephone and a certain Isabella von Carstein…. However Persephone denies this fiercely..

However, do not let this stunning visage fool you.  In battle, Persephone is indeed an ancient vampire with centuries upon centuries of warfare experience.  It’s said that she should of led the Kastelai into the interstice, but for all her outward beauty and battle experience, Persephone just lives for the hunt, the fight and the blood.  Carrying an ancient chalice into battle people have witnessed her slaughter enemies then drink their blood from this chalice, almost as if the chalice feeds an ancient being within giving her more power…

During battle when the blood frenzy is at the highest, large leathery wings burst from her back allowing Persephone to chase fleeing foes or dive head first into the battle.

It’s this sheer brutality in battle and ancient cunning that Lady Katrina requires for the upcoming war ahead.  There is no one better to command the front lines of a battle than Lady Persephone.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.