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lord Aquilor Nero the Skyheart

Nero the Skyheart was born in the iron spire  to free guild generals Alfhard Asco and Casca Grimhilt along side his two brothers. He was born unable to walk due to a medical condition that caused his bones to make them fragile and more likely to break. He was wheelchair bound for the most part, but every citizen is required to serve in Sigmar’s army, so he was trained in the art of horse riding and horse back fighting with pistol and spear. He eclipsed his father’s tactical skills by age ten. He  could lead men into battle on his first military campaign. After his father was injured fighting against a chaos horde, Nero quickly took over command and led the free guild soldiers to victory, defeating a larger enemy force using his preferred strategy of  hit and run tactics and raids on enemy supply lines with lightning accuracy. Then he led the pursuing enemy forces into a well placed ambush with rifles and infantry units working as one to destroy enemy armies with the ease of bird snatching a worm from the ground and then fade into mist.

He was promoted to captain at the age of thirteen and, well, he was not the best swordsman . His skill with the horse was seen as the best in the realm, as he was born in the saddle. He was a great shot with his pistol, able to shoot the wings of a fly at a hundred paces with his eyes closed and with his offhand.

His brothers were much better suited to it. For the lifestyle of a solider,. Then him, but this, the duty that the god King demands, so he will serve until his last breath has passed out his lifeless body and he is unable to fight back against Sigmar’s enemies that day arrives. For Nero. After a beast-men and chaos war band horde, tried to destroy the city of the iron spire. Nero rides out  of the city with a hundred Pistoleers and  fifty Demi gryph knights directly, at the attacking enemy forces in, hit and run approach but the enemy chaos lord pushes the beast-men forward under the threat that he will slaughter them all caught unaware by this Nero trapped in the between beast-men and the chaos war band he try to break through and kill the enemy champion before he is killed rallies the last of his own forces and with final victory prayers to the god king and oaths defiance screamed by the free guild soldiers Nero led the way pistol fire and spear killing vast quantities of various chaos aligned creatures before he was killed by the enemy chaos lord with in a deadly duel that ended him being called up by the god king sigmar holy lightning burn any enemies stood around his corpse would have fallen left behind a crater as the lightning struck claiming a mighty  champion  of the god king.

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