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Lord Celestant Reynolds

Lord Celestant Reynolds has the honour of leading the charge of the Knights Excelsior's Warrior Chamber into The Interstice's .  A Noble warrior who is highly respected by his troops and peers.  While his calm demeanour may imply a more placid view that his fellow Knights Excelsior, when it comes to the battlefield he is force to be reckoned with. 


Submitted by:

Dave Barden


Do not destroy without permission

(Part of the Dice Sagas Interstice, this Character was named after my dear friend who sadly lost his fight with Cancer the day I finished the model so I dedicated it to him)

Lord Celestant Reynolds leads the charge into the Interstice in front of his Warrior Chamber. The white armour clad warriors of the Knights Excelsior are on a mission to rid the land of any Ogor’s due to a personal grudge. A Squad of their Paladins was almost wiped out, so in typical Knights Excelsior fashion, they’ve dedicated their entire Chamber to wiping the Ogors out, nothing left in their wake apart from destroyed ruins and Ogor remains. Not even the bleak bitter blizzards that seem to follow the Mawtribes around can stop their march.

Lord Reynolds, who on the outside is a calm and collected individual, showing wisdom fair beyond his years feels personally responsible for the loss of any troops under his command. He’s disobeyed numerous orders from the higher ranks of the Knights Excelsior to return to the Mortal Realms, however he won’t, he will not stop nor will the troops under his command until they have settled their grudge.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...

Path of Sigils

“Who did this?”The Skaven struggled in pain, his extremities broken and limp. It was no challenge to make him talk; it was obvious the coward had seen too much already.The Templars had followed the fleeing plague monks to this clearing, where the skaven had tried to...