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Lucgul Scourgeborne


Swore allegiance to Archaon when he and his witnessed the destruction of a Skaven warhost lead by a Verminlord.
Lead a campaign across the Aqshyan wastes to attempt to claim a mythological artefact. Unfortunately the local branch of Nagash’s Legion found an ARCHIMEDES II orbital laser. Scouts claim that the Skaven who held it disappeared for unknown reasons.
Despite this technological disadvantage  Lucgul fought may battles – even sending a battalion of contaminated Chaos warriors aid the Skaven in a critical battle. The foul smell of papa Nurgle’s gifts had nothing to do with it.
Lucgul found that his devotion to Archaon aided him little. Victory appeared further and further away, the only joy that remained was in the slaughter. So it was that in the midst of a battle with the foul flesh eater courts that his heart turned to Khorne. The new strength he received from the blood gave him the strength to tear through both the Ghoul King and his Arch Regent.

The gifts of their skulls pleased Khorne enough to bestow the ultimate gift upon his new follower. In his ultimate moment of triumph, Lucgul Scourgeborne became an immortal Daemon Price of Khorne.

What will become of him now? His Skaven sometime-allies, his undead dread enemy, and his bitter new antipathy against Archaon?


Submitted by:

Isaac Achoobert


Do not destroy without permission

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