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Megaboss Stovepipe

They are more machine than orruk now. Great leader of the Industrial Waaagh! and self-proclaimed ruler of all advancements in technology.

Megaboss Stovepipe-c2bc750c

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Do not destroy without permission. If you wish to be a part of the lore, please contact me on Discord - Blighty Artist (TheBarmyBrit)#6376

Not much is known about the upbringing of this Orruk, only that they were an Ironjaw of the Rusted Blades Clan before being a Megaboss. While not notable during their yoof, their rise to power was unprecedented. Many rival clan leaders fought against Stovepipe and couldn’t even put a scratch on them. It was during this rise in power that rumors were circulating in the lesser clans that it is the Weridnob Shaman Gorkpetto is actually in charge and built Stovepipe to lead into his personal plans. However these clans were quickly delt with and absorbed into the ever-growing waaagh! 

In reality, Gorkpetto did indeed build Stovepipe, as they were a yoof that showed promise for the Shaman’s plans of advancing their own agenda. However, they were not prepared when their creation not only became just as intellectual as them, but fully took over the Waaagh! not for power, but for advancement. They saw the world slow, primitive, and fearful of change. He sees the way to bring war to a whole new destructive level and plans to mechanize and weaponize the realms for a full on arms race. With his recent conquest into Ghur and gaining a foothold, as well as subjugating a notably size Hobgoblin hoard and acquiring the aid of a powerful necromancer, his bioweaponized waaagh! is going in full swing!

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...