“I do not trust this Hashrakul, Bray-shaman. He reeks of civilization. The Goroans are not true children of the formless wilds!” Clovis, elder Bray-shaman of the Spellgrazers, allowed his apprentice to continue raving. Best to let the young one let all the aggression out of his system. Besides, Grash’s fevered rantings would give Clovis the […]

Heresiarch, The Darkoath offshoot known as the Pintados, as ever, continue to be among the mightiest and most reliable irregulars and auxiliary forces in your newly forged Ang-Angkor dominion. The tale of every oath fulfilled is tattoed on their skin, and their muscled forms are glorious epics indeed. Their manner is a little dour for […]

Heresiarch, I have made no secret of my disappointment in the fighting abilities of the Chamoni warsmiths calling themselves the Coin Lords, and they continue to give me no reason to change my mind. They are well armed and armored, but possess little nimbleness or tactical flexibility, and this doctrinal lack has cost us dearly […]

(Hashrakul the Interfector updates Lord Andal the Prevaricator on the Heresiarch’s Synod and the Slidecrown Isle conflict.) Heresiarch, The White Ravens are rapacious thieves, murder-cultists and reavers who would make ideal scouts and irregular additions to your forces, were they not so possessed of an irresponsible capriciousness and an addiction to spectacular acrobatics and the […]

(The Heresiarch’s Synod and Hashrakul the Interfector land on the Slidecrown Isles) Perhaps he should not have called Lord Andal “the Prevaricator” to his face, Hashrakul mused. The Goroan leaned over the railing of the landing ship, assessing the thin strip of beach bracketed between walls of mangrove swamps. No welcoming party from the locals; […]