Human GHR worshipers

War queen Boudica rallied her tribe and prepared to assault the spire from a different direction after the meteor storm blocks their way forward to the spire. The Ordofigaidd vanguard is forced into a skirmish with a lumineth realm lords’ scouting party to stop the tribe being discovered by the large lumineth realm lords’ main […]

War queen Boudica assembled her tribe at the base of the base of the unmade Slekit spire, ready to assault it. The god speakers set to work raining arcane fire down on the Pestilins defenders to cover the charge of the darkoath fellriders, but before they can start, a tide of Skaven defenders pour out […]
The Ordofigaidd tribe had arrived at the Vulkaris, a continent edgeward of the Great Parch, though the Ghyran realmgate matched out for roughly three days, but they were forced into battle against a cites of Sigmar outpost, block their way forward the tribe overlem it’s defenders in a night raid quick and silent leaving no […]