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The SagemasterOffline


Overview Deperon is a prominent city along the Greysword Coast, infamous for being repeatedly conquered by disparate factions. A former city that was nearly destroyed by monsters and orruk warclans during the Age of Chaos, with the survivors scattering. They were eventually reunited under and ambitious leader, who managed to retake the city with the aid […]

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The Stormtouched

The village was in flames, but most of the fires were already dimming. The smoke drifted upward from across the flat plain, a mountain of twisting blackness shifting and coaling into the sky. There were no more screams, and an eerie silence wisped through the villages as the mighty warrior walked through the husk of […]

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Overview  Vanderhal is a militant Free City that guards an incredibly important chokepoint on the border of the Greenblood Bowl between the Great Chasm and the Eternity’s Edge Mountains. Built between a literal rock and a hard place, it has been established first and foremost as a military fortification, but over the many decades and […]

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